import { watch, unref } from 'vue'; import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n'; import { useTitle as usePageTitle } from '@vueuse/core'; import { useGlobSetting } from '/@/hooks/setting'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import { useLocaleStore } from '/@/store/modules/locale'; import { REDIRECT_NAME } from '/@/router/constant'; /** * Listening to page changes and dynamically changing site titles */ export function useTitle() { const { title } = useGlobSetting(); const { t } = useI18n(); const { currentRoute } = useRouter(); const localeStore = useLocaleStore(); const pageTitle = usePageTitle(); watch( [() => currentRoute.value.path, () => localeStore.getLocale], () => { const route = unref(currentRoute); if ( === REDIRECT_NAME) { return; } const tTitle = t(route?.meta?.title as string); pageTitle.value = tTitle ? ` ${tTitle} - ${title} ` : `${title}`; }, { immediate: true } ); }