diff --git a/ant-design-vue-jeecg/src/views/seknowgroup/atlas/js/main1.js b/ant-design-vue-jeecg/src/views/seknowgroup/atlas/js/main1.js index 24b7c80..35742af 100644 --- a/ant-design-vue-jeecg/src/views/seknowgroup/atlas/js/main1.js +++ b/ant-design-vue-jeecg/src/views/seknowgroup/atlas/js/main1.js @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +import {getAction} from "../../../../api/manage"; + export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { function t(t) { for (var a, u, s = t[0], i = t[1], c = t[2], d = 0, p = []; d < s.length; d++) u = s[d], r[u] && p.push(r[u][0]), r[u] = 0; @@ -7,6 +9,7 @@ export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { } function o() { + for (var e, t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { for (var o = n[t], a = !0, s = 1; s < o.length; s++) { var i = o[s]; @@ -16,12 +19,12 @@ export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { } return e } + var a = {}, r = { 0: 0 }, n = []; - function u(t) { if (a[t]) return a[t].exports; var o = a[t] = { @@ -31,18 +34,21 @@ export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { }; return e[t].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, u), o.l = !0, o.exports } + u.m = e, u.c = a, u.d = function(e, t, o) { u.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: o }) - }, u.r = function(e) { + }, + u.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) - }, u.t = function(e, t) { + }, + u.t = function(e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = u(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var o = Object.create(null); @@ -54,25 +60,31 @@ export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { return e[t] }.bind(null, a)); return o - }, u.n = function(e) { + }, + u.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default } : function() { return e }; return u.d(t, "a", t), t - }, u.o = function(e, t) { + }, + u.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) - }, u.p = ""; - var s = window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || [], + }, + u.p = ""; + var s = window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || [], i = s.push.bind(s); s.push = t, s = s.slice(); for (var c = 0; c < s.length; c++) t(s[c]); var l = i; n.push([4, 1]), o() -}([, , , , function(e, t, o) { +} +([, , , , function(e, t, o) +{ e.exports = o(5) -}, function(e, t, o) { +}, + function(e, t, o) { "use strict"; o.r(t); var a = o(2), @@ -224,549 +236,43 @@ export let threeMainFunction = function(e) { }; M(S) })() -}, function(e) { - e.exports = { - nodes: [{ - name: "软件项目管理" - }, { - name: "软件项目管理基本概念" - }, { - name: "项目整体管理" - }, { - name: "项目范围管理" - }, { - name: "项目进度管理" - }, { - name: "项目进度管理" - }, { - name: "项目资源与采购管理" - }, { - name: "项目相关方与沟通管理" - }, { - name: "项目质量管理" - }, { - name: "项目风险管理" - }, { - name: "项目(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "软件项目管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目组织(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定项目章程(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定项目管理计划(知识点)" - }, { - name: "指导与管理项目工作(知识点)" - }, { - name: "监控项目工作(知识点)" - }, { - name: "实施整体变更控制(知识点)" - }, { - name: "结束项目或阶段(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划范围管理" - }, { - name: "定义范围" - }, { - name: "创建WBS" - }, { - name: "确认范围" - }, { - name: "控制范围" - }, { - name: "规划进度管理" - }, { - name: "定义活动" - }, { - name: "估算活动(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定进度计划(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制进度(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划成本管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "估算成本(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制成本(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划资源管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "获取资源(知识点)" - }, { - name: "建设团队" - }, { - name: "管理团队(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制资源(知识点)" - }, { - name: "采购管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "识别相关方(知识点)" - }, { - name: "相关方管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划沟通管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "管理沟通(知识点)" - }, { - name: "监督沟通(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划质量管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "管理质量(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制质量(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划风险管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "识别与控制风险(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目管理知识体系(知识点)" - }, { - name: "软件项目管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "组织结构类型(知识点)" - }, { - name: "PMO的角色和职责(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目经理的定义与职责(知识点)" - }, { - name: "项目经理所需的能力(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定项目章程(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定项目管理计划(知识点)" - }, { - name: "指导与管理项目工作(知识点)" - }, { - name: "监控项目工作(知识点)" - }, { - name: "实施整体变更控制(知识点)" - }, { - name: "结束项目或阶段(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划范围管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "定义范围(知识点)" - }, { - name: "创建WBS(知识点)" - }, { - name: "确认范围(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制范围(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划进度管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "定义活动(知识点)" - }, { - name: "估算活动(知识点)" - }, { - name: "制定进度计划(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制进度(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划成本管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "估算成本(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制成本(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划资源管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "获取资源(知识点)" - }, { - name: "建设团队(知识点)" - }, { - name: "管理团队(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制资源(知识点)" - }, { - name: "采购管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "识别相关方(知识点)" - }, { - name: "相关方管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划沟通管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "管理沟通(知识点)" - }, { - name: "监督沟通(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划质量管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "管理质量(知识点)" - }, { - name: "控制质量(知识点)" - }, { - name: "规划风险管理(知识点)" - }, { - name: "识别与控制风险(知识点)" - }], - links: [{ - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "软件项目管理基本概念", - value: .75 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目整体管理", - value: .1 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目范围管理", - value: .05 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目进度管理", - value: .05 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目成本管理", - value: .05 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目资源与采购管理", - value: .0167781913 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - value: .3502949852 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目质量管理", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "项目风险管理", - value: .0073746312 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理基本概念", - target: "项目(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理基本概念", - target: "项目管理(知识点)", - value: 216053e-10 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理基本概念", - target: "软件项目管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理基本概念", - target: "项目组织", - value: .6452802359 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理基本概念", - target: "项目经理", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "制定项目章程(知识点)", - value: 11182e-10 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "制定项目管理计划(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "指导与管理项目工作(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "监控项目工作(知识点)", - value: .0010334566 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "实施整体变更控制(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目整体管理", - target: "结束项目或阶段(知识点)", - value: .0010622637 - }, { - source: "项目范围管理", - target: "规划范围管理(知识点)", - value: .2857142857 - }, { - source: "项目范围管理", - target: "定义范围(知识点)", - value: .864745011 - }, { - source: "项目范围管理", - target: "创建WBS(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目范围管理", - target: "确认范围(知识点)", - value: .0160450734 - }, { - source: "项目范围管理", - target: "控制范围(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目成本管理", - target: "规划成本管理(知识点)", - value: .1125970066 - }, { - source: "项目成本管理", - target: "估算成本(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目成本管理", - target: "控制成本(知识点)", - value: .0012991962 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: "规划资源管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: "获取资源(知识点)", - value: .6968641114 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: " 建设团队(知识点)", - value: .7909090909 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: "管理团队(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: "控制资源(知识点)", - value: .1909090909 - }, { - source: "项目资源与采购管理", - target: "采购管理(知识点)", - value: .1909090909 - }, { - source: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - target: "识别相关方(知识点)", - value: .5 - }, { - source: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - target: "相关方管理(知识点)", - value: .5 - }, { - source: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - target: "规划沟通管理(知识点)", - value: .0161576704 - }, { - source: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - target: "管理沟通(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目相关方与沟通管理", - target: "监督沟通(知识点)", - value: .0016956676 - }, { - source: "项目质量管理", - target: "规划质量管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目质量管理", - target: "管理质量(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目质量管理", - target: "控制质量(知识点)", - value: .4435897435 - }, { - source: "项目风险管理", - target: "规划风险管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目风险管理", - target: "识别与控制风险(知识点)", - value: .5564102565 - }, { - source: "项目管理", - target: "项目管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目管理", - target: "项目管理知识体系(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "软件项目管理", - target: "软件项目管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目组织", - target: "组织结构类型(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目组织", - target: "PMO的角色和职责(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目经理", - target: "项目经理的定义与职责(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目经理", - target: "项目经理所需的能力(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "制定项目章程", - target: "制定项目章程(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "制定项目管理计划", - target: "制定项目管理计划(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "指导与管理项目工作", - target: "指导与管理项目工作(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "监控项目工作", - target: "监控项目工作(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "实施整体变更控制", - target: "实施整体变更控制(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "结束项目或阶段", - target: "结束项目或阶段(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划范围管理", - target: "规划范围管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "定义范围", - target: "定义范围(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "创建WBS", - target: "创建WBS(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "确认范围", - target: "确认范围(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "控制范围", - target: "控制范围(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "项目进度管理", - target: "规划进度管理", - value: .0006434116 - }, - { - source: "规划进度管理", - target: "规划进度管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - },{ - source: "定义活动", - target: "定义活动(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "估算活动", - target: "估算活动(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - } - , { - source: "项目进度管理", - target: "估算活动", - value: .0006434116 +}, + function (e) { + var nodestemp = [] + var linkstemp = [] + var id = window.location.href; + var ids = id.indexOf('=') + var idsur = id.substring(ids + 1) + var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); + var url='http://localhost:8080/jeecg-boot/seknowgroup/seKnowGroup/zzzztp'; + xhr.open('GET', url, false); + xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { + if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 304) { + xhr.send() + console.log(2222); + // 从服务器获得数据 + console.log(xhr.responseText); } + }; + xhr.send(); - , { - source: "估算活动", - target: "估算活动(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "控制进度", - target: "控制进度(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划成本管理", - target: "规划成本管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "估算成本", - target: "估算成本(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "控制成本", - target: "控制成本(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划资源管理", - target: "规划资源管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "获取资源", - target: "获取资源(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "建设团队", - target: "建设团队(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "管理团队", - target: "管理团队(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "控制资源", - target: "控制资源(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "采购管理", - target: "采购管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "识别相关方", - target: "识别相关方(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "相关方管理", - target: "相关方管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划沟通管理", - target: "规划沟通管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "管理沟通", - target: "管理沟通(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "监督沟通", - target: "监督沟通(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划质量管理", - target: "规划质量管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "管理质量", - target: "管理质量(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "控制质量", - target: "控制质量(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "规划风险管理", - target: "规划风险管理(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }, { - source: "识别与控制风险", - target: "识别与控制风险(知识点)", - value: .0006434116 - }] - } -}]); \ No newline at end of file + e.exports = { + nodes: [{ + name: "城市数据" + }, { + name: "交通" + }, { + name: "社区" + }, { + name: "社交" + }, { + name: "民生" + }], + links: [{ + source: "城市数据", + target: "交通", + value: .75 + }] + } + console.log(3333); + }]); \ No newline at end of file