@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ |
<div class="table-page-search-wrapper"> |
<a-form layout="inline" @keyup.enter.native="searchQuery"> |
<a-row :gutter="24"> |
<a-col> |
<a-button type="primary">{{biaoTi}}</a-button> |
</a-col> |
</a-row> |
</a-form> |
</div> |
<!-- 查询区域-END --> |
<a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">返回</a-button> |
<!-- table区域-begin --> |
<div> |
@ -44,250 +47,261 @@ |
<script> |
import '@/assets/less/TableExpand.less' |
import { JVXETypes } from '@/components/jeecg/JVxeTable' |
import { mixinDevice } from '@/utils/mixin' |
import { JeecgListMixin } from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin' |
import ZyStyleModelModal from './modules/ZyStyleModelModal' |
import {deleteAction, getAction, postAction, putAction, postFormAction, httpAction} from "@api/manage"; |
import store from "@/store"; |
import {filterObj, validateDuplicateValue} from '@/utils/util' |
import '@/assets/less/TableExpand.less' |
import {JVXETypes} from '@/components/jeecg/JVxeTable' |
import {mixinDevice} from '@/utils/mixin' |
import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin' |
import ZyStyleModelModal from './modules/ZyStyleModelModal' |
import {deleteAction, getAction, postAction, putAction, postFormAction, httpAction} from "@api/manage"; |
import store from "@/store"; |
import {filterObj, validateDuplicateValue} from '@/utils/util' |
export default { |
name: 'ZyStyleModelList', |
mixins:[JeecgListMixin, mixinDevice], |
components: { |
ZyStyleModelModal |
}, |
data () { |
return { |
description: 'zy_style_model管理页面', |
// 表头 |
// 工具栏的按钮配置 |
toolbarConfig: { |
// add 新增按钮;remove 删除按钮;clearSelection 清空选择按钮 |
btn: ['add'] |
}, |
validatorRules: { |
styleId: [ |
{ required: true, message: '请选择服装类型!'}, |
], |
}, |
// 是否正在加载 |
loading: false, |
// 分页器参数 |
pagination: { |
// 当前页码 |
current: 1, |
// 每页的条数 |
pageSize: 10, |
// 可切换的条数 |
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '30', '100', '200'], |
// 数据总数(目前并不知道真实的总数,所以先填写0,在后台查出来后再赋值) |
total: 0, |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
id:null |
}, |
export default { |
name: 'ZyStyleModelList', |
mixins: [JeecgListMixin, mixinDevice], |
components: { |
ZyStyleModelModal |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
description: 'zy_style_model管理页面', |
biaoTi: '', |
// 表头 |
// 工具栏的按钮配置 |
toolbarConfig: { |
// add 新增按钮;remove 删除按钮;clearSelection 清空选择按钮 |
btn: ['add'] |
}, |
validatorRules: { |
styleId: [ |
{required: true, message: '请选择服装类型!'}, |
], |
}, |
// 是否正在加载 |
loading: false, |
// 分页器参数 |
pagination: { |
// 当前页码 |
current: 1, |
// 每页的条数 |
pageSize: 10, |
// 可切换的条数 |
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '30', '100', '200'], |
// 数据总数(目前并不知道真实的总数,所以先填写0,在后台查出来后再赋值) |
total: 0, |
showQuickJumper: true, |
showSizeChanger: true, |
id: null |
}, |
// 数据源,控制表格的数据 |
// 数据源,控制表格的数据 |
columns: [ |
{ |
title: '服装款式', |
width: '150px', |
fixed: 'left', |
key: 'styleId', |
type: JVXETypes.select, |
placeholder: '请输入${title}', |
dictCode: 'zy_cloths_style,style_names,id', |
validateRules: [{required: true, message: '${title}不能为空'}] |
}, |
{ |
title:'是否默认尺码', |
align:"center", |
width: '150px', |
key: 'isdefault', |
type: JVXETypes.select, |
dictCode: 'isdefault', |
defaultValue : 0, |
}, |
{key: 'modelNumber', title: '型号编码', dictCode: 'modenumber',width: '120px', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'size', title: '码数', width: '100px',dictCode: 'size', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'anumbers', title: '型', width: '100px',dictCode: 'hsize', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'bnumbers', title: '号', width: '100px',dictCode: 'xsize', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'collarLarge', title: '领大', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'bust', title: '胸围', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'sleeveLength', title: '袖长', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'shslLength', title: '连肩袖长', width: '100px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
columns: [ |
{ |
title: '服装款式', |
width: '150px', |
fixed: 'left', |
key: 'styleId', |
type: JVXETypes.select, |
placeholder: '请输入${title}', |
dictCode: 'zy_cloths_style,style_names,id', |
validateRules: [{required: true, message: '${title}不能为空'}] |
}, |
{ |
title: '是否默认尺码', |
align: "center", |
width: '150px', |
key: 'isdefault', |
type: JVXETypes.select, |
dictCode: 'isdefault', |
defaultValue: 0, |
}, |
{key: 'modelNumber', title: '型号编码', dictCode: 'modenumber', width: '120px', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'size', title: '码数', width: '100px', dictCode: 'size', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'anumbers', title: '型', width: '100px', dictCode: 'hsize', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'bnumbers', title: '号', width: '100px', dictCode: 'xsize', type: JVXETypes.select}, |
{key: 'collarLarge', title: '领大', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'bust', title: '胸围', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'sleeveLength', title: '袖长', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'shslLength', title: '连肩袖长', width: '100px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'tsWidth', title: '总肩宽', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'cuff', title: '袖口', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'waistline', title: '腰围', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'hem', title: '下摆', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'tsWidth', title: '总肩宽', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'cuff', title: '袖口', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'waistline', title: '腰围', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{key: 'hem', title: '下摆', width: '80px', type: JVXETypes.input}, |
{ |
title: '操作', |
key: 'action', |
type: JVXETypes.slot, |
fixed: 'right', |
minWidth: '100px', |
align: 'center', |
slotName: 'action', |
} |
], |
url: { |
list: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/list", |
delete: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/delete", |
add: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/add", |
edit: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/edit", |
deleteBatch: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/deleteBatch", |
exportXlsUrl: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/exportXls", |
importExcelUrl: "zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/importExcel", |
}, |
//参数 |
loadRouteType:false, |
id:null, |
rowId:'', |
dictOptions:{}, |
superFieldList:[], |
} |
{ |
title: '操作', |
key: 'action', |
type: JVXETypes.slot, |
fixed: 'right', |
minWidth: '100px', |
align: 'center', |
slotName: 'action', |
} |
], |
url: { |
list: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/list", |
delete: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/delete", |
add: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/add", |
edit: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/edit", |
deleteBatch: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/deleteBatch", |
exportXlsUrl: "/zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/exportXls", |
importExcelUrl: "zystylemodel/zyStyleModel/importExcel", |
}, |
//参数 |
loadRouteType: false, |
id: null, |
rowId: '', |
dictOptions: {}, |
superFieldList: [], |
} |
}, |
created() { |
//this.loadData(); |
this.loadParameter(); |
//备份model原始值 |
//this.modelDefault = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.model)); |
}, |
computed: { |
importExcelUrl: function () { |
return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`; |
}, |
created() { |
//this.loadData(); |
this.loadParameter() ; |
//备份model原始值 |
//this.modelDefault = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.model)); |
}, |
methods: { |
fanHui() { |
this.$router.push({ |
path: '/src/views/zyclothsstyle/ZyClothsStyleList', |
// query: { // 路由携带参数 |
// 'id': record.id, |
// 'typeId': record.typeId, |
// } |
// }); |
}); |
}, |
computed: { |
importExcelUrl: function(){ |
return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`; |
}, |
handleDelete: function (id) { |
if (!this.url.delete) { |
this.$message.error("请设置url.delete属性!") |
return |
} |
var that = this; |
deleteAction(that.url.delete, {id: id}).then((res) => { |
if (res.success) { |
//重新计算分页问题 |
that.reCalculatePage(1) |
that.$message.success(res.message); |
that.loadData(); |
} else { |
that.$message.warning(res.message); |
} |
}); |
}, |
methods: { |
handleDelete: function (id) { |
if(!this.url.delete){ |
this.$message.error("请设置url.delete属性!") |
return |
submitForm(props) { |
this.model = Object.assign({}, props); |
var str = props.rowId; |
let httpurl = ''; |
let method = ''; |
if (str.search("row") !== -1) { |
httpurl += this.url.add; |
method = 'post'; |
} else { |
httpurl += this.url.edit; |
method = 'put'; |
} |
httpAction(httpurl, props.row, method).then((res) => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.$message.success(res.message); |
this.$emit('ok'); |
} else { |
this.$message.warning(res.message); |
} |
var that = this; |
deleteAction(that.url.delete, {id: id}).then((res) => { |
if (res.success) { |
//重新计算分页问题 |
that.reCalculatePage(1) |
that.$message.success(res.message); |
that.loadData(); |
}) |
}, |
//加载传递参数 |
loadParameter() { |
if (this.loadRouteType === false) { |
this.id = this.$route.query.id; |
this.biaoTi = this.$route.query.styleNames+"款式型号管理"; |
console.log("**********传递到此层的id:" + this.id); |
this.loadRouteType = true; |
} |
}, |
// 加载数据 |
loadData(arg) { |
//加载数据 若传入参数1则加载第一页的内容 |
if (arg === 1) { |
this.pagination.current = 1; |
} |
// 调用查询数据接口 |
this.loadParameter(); |
var params = this.getQueryParams();//查询条件 |
this.loading = true; |
getAction(this.url.list, params).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
/*// 后台查询回来的 total,数据总数量 |
this.pagination.total = res.result.total*/ |
// 将查询的数据赋值给 dataSource |
this.dataSource = res.result.records || res.result; |
console.log(this.dataSource, 'abc') |
if (res.result.total) { |
this.pagination.total = res.result.total; |
} else { |
that.$message.warning(res.message); |
this.pagination.total = 0; |
} |
}); |
}, |
submitForm (props) { |
this.model = Object.assign({}, props); |
var str = props.rowId; |
let httpurl = ''; |
let method = ''; |
if (str.search("row") !== -1) { |
httpurl += this.url.add; |
method = 'post'; |
} else { |
httpurl += this.url.edit; |
method = 'put'; |
} |
httpAction(httpurl, props.row, method).then((res) => { |
if (res.success) { |
this.$message.success(res.message); |
this.$emit('ok'); |
} else { |
this.$message.warning(res.message); |
} |
}) |
}, |
//加载传递参数 |
loadParameter() { |
if (this.loadRouteType === false) { |
this.id = this.$route.query.id; |
console.log("**********传递到此层的id:"+this.id); |
this.loadRouteType = true; |
} |
}, |
// 加载数据 |
loadData(arg) { |
//加载数据 若传入参数1则加载第一页的内容 |
if (arg === 1) { |
this.pagination.current = 1; |
} |
// 调用查询数据接口 |
this.loadParameter(); |
var params = this.getQueryParams();//查询条件 |
this.loading = true; |
getAction(this.url.list, params).then(res => { |
if (res.success) { |
/*// 后台查询回来的 total,数据总数量 |
this.pagination.total = res.result.total*/ |
// 将查询的数据赋值给 dataSource |
this.dataSource = res.result.records||res.result; |
console.log(this.dataSource,'abc') |
if(res.result.total) |
{ |
this.pagination.total = res.result.total; |
}else{ |
this.pagination.total = 0; |
} |
//this.dataSource = res.result.records |
//this.dataSource = res.result.records |
} else { |
this.$error({title: '主表查询失败', content: res.message}) |
} |
}).finally(() => { |
// 这里是无论成功或失败都会执行的方法,在这里关闭loading |
this.loading = false |
}) |
}, |
// 当分页参数变化时触发的事件 |
handlePageChange(event) { |
// 重新赋值 |
this.pagination.current = event.current |
this.pagination.pageSize = event.pageSize |
// 查询数据 |
this.loadData() |
}, |
initDictConfig(){ |
}, |
getQueryParams() { |
//获取查询条件 |
let sqp = {} |
if(this.superQueryParams){ |
sqp['superQueryParams']=encodeURI(this.superQueryParams) |
sqp['superQueryMatchType'] = this.superQueryMatchType |
} else { |
this.$error({title: '主表查询失败', content: res.message}) |
} |
var param = Object.assign(sqp, this.queryParam, this.isorter ,this.filters); |
param.field = this.getQueryField(); |
param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current; |
param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize; |
param.styleId=this.id |
return filterObj(param); |
}, |
getSuperFieldList(){ |
let fieldList=[]; |
fieldList.push({type:'string',value:'styleId',text:'款式id',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'int',value:'isdefault',text:'是否默认尺码',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'int',value:'modelNumber',text:'型号编码',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'int',value:'size',text:'码数',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'string',value:'anumbers',text:'型',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'string',value:'bnumbers',text:'号',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'collarLarge',text:'领大',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'bust',text:'胸围',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'sleeveLength',text:'袖长',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'shslLength',text:'连肩袖长',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'tsWidth',text:'总肩宽',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'cuff',text:'袖口',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'waistline',text:'腰围',dictCode:''}) |
fieldList.push({type:'double',value:'hem',text:'下摆',dictCode:''}) |
this.superFieldList = fieldList |
}).finally(() => { |
// 这里是无论成功或失败都会执行的方法,在这里关闭loading |
this.loading = false |
}) |
}, |
// 当分页参数变化时触发的事件 |
handlePageChange(event) { |
// 重新赋值 |
this.pagination.current = event.current |
this.pagination.pageSize = event.pageSize |
// 查询数据 |
this.loadData() |
}, |
initDictConfig() { |
}, |
getQueryParams() { |
//获取查询条件 |
let sqp = {} |
if (this.superQueryParams) { |
sqp['superQueryParams'] = encodeURI(this.superQueryParams) |
sqp['superQueryMatchType'] = this.superQueryMatchType |
} |
var param = Object.assign(sqp, this.queryParam, this.isorter, this.filters); |
param.field = this.getQueryField(); |
param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current; |
param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize; |
param.styleId = this.id |
return filterObj(param); |
}, |
getSuperFieldList() { |
let fieldList = []; |
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'styleId', text: '款式id', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'int', value: 'isdefault', text: '是否默认尺码', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'int', value: 'modelNumber', text: '型号编码', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'int', value: 'size', text: '码数', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'anumbers', text: '型', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'bnumbers', text: '号', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'collarLarge', text: '领大', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'bust', text: '胸围', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'sleeveLength', text: '袖长', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'shslLength', text: '连肩袖长', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'tsWidth', text: '总肩宽', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'cuff', text: '袖口', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'waistline', text: '腰围', dictCode: ''}) |
fieldList.push({type: 'double', value: 'hem', text: '下摆', dictCode: ''}) |
this.superFieldList = fieldList |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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