@Select("select a.*,b.process_name as processname,c.contents as accessoriesname from zy_accessories as c,zy_process as b,zy_process_accessories as a where a.process_id=b.id and a.accessories_id=c.id and a.process_id=#{id}")
@Select("<script>select * from zy_process_accessories <where><if test=\" p != null\">process_id in (select id from zy_process where process_name like #{p})</if><if test=\" m != null\"> and accessories_id in (select id from zy_accessories where contents like #{m})</if></where></script>")
@Select("<script>select * from zy_process_accessories <where>process_id =#{p}<if test=\" m != null\"> and accessories_id in (select id from zy_accessories where contents like #{m})</if></where></script>")
@Select("<script>select * from zy_process_action <where>process_id =#{p}<if test=\" m != null\"> and action_id in (select id from zy_cloth_action where descr like #{m})</if></where></script>")
@Select("select a.*,b.process_name as processname,c.descr as actionname from zy_cloth_action as c,zy_process as b,zy_process_action as a where a.process_id=b.id and a.action_id=c.id and a.process_id=#{id}")
@Select("<script>select * from zy_process_fabric <where>process_id =#{p}<if test=\" m != null\"> and fabric_id in (select id from zy_fabric where name like #{m})</if></where></script>")
@Select("select a.*,b.process_name as processname,c.name as fabricname from zy_fabric as c,zy_process as b,zy_process_fabric as a where a.process_id=b.id and a.fabric_id=c.id and a.process_id=#{id}")