计划班组功能悠 1.7

zhc077 2 years ago
parent 7fb4946dfe
commit 206438c0ad
  1. 42
  2. 816
  3. 323
  4. 6
  5. 5
  6. 58
  7. 2
  8. 16
  9. 16

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ export default {
width: '200px',
options: [],
placeholder: '请选择${title}',
}, {
title: '设备列表',
key: 'machineIds',
type: JVXETypes.selectMultiple,
@ -91,14 +92,43 @@ export default {
options: [],
placeholder: '请选择${title}',
// {
// title: 'JPopup',
// key: 'popup',
// type: JVXETypes.popup,
// width: '180px',
// popupCode: 'demo',
// field: 'name,sex,age',
// orgFields: 'name,sex,age',
// destFields: 'popup,popup_sex,popup_age'
// },
key: 'proProcess',
title: '前导工序',
dictCode: 'zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id="1")',
width: '150',
type: JVXETypes.select
key: 'proProcess',
type: JVXETypes.popup,
width: '180px',
popupCode: 'zy_process',
field: 'id,process_code,process_name,process_describe',
orgFields: 'id,process_code,process_name,process_describe',
destFields: 'popup,id,popup_process_name,popup_process_describe',
// {
// key: 'proProcess',
// title: '',
// dictCode: 'zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id="1")',
// width: '150',
// type: JVXETypes.select
// },
title: '后导工序',
key: 'postProcess',
type: JVXETypes.popup,
width: '180px',
popupCode: 'zy_process',
field: 'id,process_code,process_name,process_describe',
orgFields: 'id,process_code,process_name,process_describe',
destFields: 'popup,id,popup_process_name,popup_process_describe',
{key: 'postProcess', title: '后导工序', width: '150', type: JVXETypes.select},
{key: 'inputProduct', title: '输入产品', width: '150', type: JVXETypes.input},
{key: 'semiProduct', title: '成品/半成品', width: '150', type: JVXETypes.input},

@ -1,422 +1,422 @@
<a-card :bordered="false">
<div class="table-operator">
<a-button type="primary" icon="download" @click="handleExportXls('计划工序')">导出</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">保存</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">返回</a-button>
<!-- <a-card :bordered="false">-->
<!-- <div class="table-operator">-->
<!-- <a-button type="primary" icon="download" @click="handleExportXls('计划工序')">导出</a-button>-->
<!-- <a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">保存</a-button>-->
<!-- <a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">返回</a-button>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- table区域-begin -->
:rowSelection="{selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange}"
<span slot="stationList" slot-scope="stationList">
<a-select @change="getToolAndMachine" style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">
<a-select-option v-for="item in stationList" :value="item.id">
{{ item.stationName }}
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; table区域-begin &ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <div>-->
<!-- <a-table-->
<!-- ref="table"-->
<!-- size="middle"-->
<!-- :scroll="{x:true}"-->
<!-- bordered-->
<!-- rowKey="id"-->
<!-- :columns="columns"-->
<!-- :dataSource="dataSource"-->
<!-- :pagination="ipagination"-->
<!-- :loading="loading"-->
<!-- :rowSelection="{selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange}"-->
<!-- class="j-table-force-nowrap"-->
<!-- @change="handleTableChange">-->
<!-- <span slot="stationList" slot-scope="stationList">-->
<!-- <a-select @change="getToolAndMachine" style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">-->
<!-- <a-select-option v-for="item in stationList" :value="item.id">-->
<!-- {{ item.stationName }}-->
<!-- </a-select-option>-->
<!-- </a-select>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<span slot="toolsList" slot-scope="toolsList">
<a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">
<a-select-option v-for="item in toolsList" :value="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
<!-- <span slot="toolsList" slot-scope="toolsList">-->
<!-- <a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">-->
<!-- <a-select-option v-for="item in toolsList" :value="item.id">-->
<!-- {{ item.name }}-->
<!-- </a-select-option>-->
<!-- </a-select>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<span slot="machineList" slot-scope="machineList">
<a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">
<a-select-option v-for="item in machineList" :value="item.id">
{{ item.name }}
<!-- <span slot="machineList" slot-scope="machineList">-->
<!-- <a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">-->
<!-- <a-select-option v-for="item in machineList" :value="item.id">-->
<!-- {{ item.name }}-->
<!-- </a-select-option>-->
<!-- </a-select>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<span slot="proProcess" slot-scope="proProcess">
<j-search-select-tag type="list" dict="zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id='1')" pidField="pid"
pidValue="" placeholder="前导工序"/>
<span slot="postProcess" slot-scope="postProcess">
<j-search-select-tag type="list" dict="zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id='1')" pidField="pid"
pidValue="" placeholder="后导工序"/>
<!-- <span slot="proProcess" slot-scope="proProcess">-->
<!-- <j-search-select-tag type="list" dict="zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id='1')" pidField="pid"-->
<!-- pidValue="" placeholder="前导工序"/>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span slot="postProcess" slot-scope="postProcess">-->
<!-- <j-search-select-tag type="list" dict="zy_process,process_name,id,id in(select process_id from zy_product_process where product_id='1')" pidField="pid"-->
<!-- pidValue="" placeholder="后导工序"/>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<span slot="inputProduct" slot-scope="inputProduct">
<a-input v-model="processIds" placeholder="请输入产品"></a-input>
<span slot="semiProduct" slot-scope="semiProduct">
<a-input v-model="semiProduct" placeholder="请输入成品/半成品"></a-input>
<!-- <span slot="inputProduct" slot-scope="inputProduct">-->
<!-- <a-input v-model="processIds" placeholder="请输入产品"></a-input>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span slot="semiProduct" slot-scope="semiProduct">-->
<!-- <a-input v-model="semiProduct" placeholder="请输入成品/半成品"></a-input>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <template
v-for="col in columns"
slot-scope="text, record, index"
<div :key="col">
style="margin: -5px 0"
@change="e => handleChange(e.target.value, record.key, col)"
<template v-else>
{{ text }}
<template slot="operation" slot-scope="text, record, index">
<div class="editable-row-operations">
<span v-if="record.editable">
<a @click="() => save(record)">Save</a>
<a-popconfirm title="Sure to cancel?" @confirm="() => cancel(record)">
<a :disabled="editingKey !== ''" @click="() => edit(index)">Edit66</a>
</span> b
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <template-->
<!-- v-for="col in columns"-->
<!-- :slot="col"-->
<!-- slot-scope="text, record, index"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <div :key="col">-->
<!-- <a-input-->
<!-- v-if="record.editable"-->
<!-- style="margin: -5px 0"-->
<!-- :value="text"-->
<!-- @change="e => handleChange(e.target.value, record.key, col)"-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <template v-else>-->
<!-- {{ text }}-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- <template slot="operation" slot-scope="text, record, index">-->
<!-- <div class="editable-row-operations">-->
<!-- <span v-if="record.editable">-->
<!-- <a @click="() => save(record)">Save</a>-->
<!-- <a-popconfirm title="Sure to cancel?" @confirm="() => cancel(record)">-->
<!-- <a>Cancel</a>-->
<!-- </a-popconfirm>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span>-->
<!-- <a :disabled="editingKey !== ''" @click="() => edit(index)">Edit66</a>-->
<!-- </span> b-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </template>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- </a-table>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div class="table-operator" style="text-align: right">
<a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">提交</a-button>
<!-- <div class="table-operator" style="text-align: right">-->
<!-- <a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">提交</a-button>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <zy-plan-process-modal @valueChange="valueChange" ref="modalForm" @ok="modalFormOk"></zy-plan-process-modal>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <zy-plan-process-modal @valueChange="valueChange" ref="modalForm" @ok="modalFormOk"></zy-plan-process-modal>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- </a-card>-->
import '@/assets/less/TableExpand.less'
import {mixinDevice} from '@/utils/mixin'
import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin'
import ZyPlanProcessModal from './modules/ZyPlanProcessModal2'
import {getAction} from "@api/manage";
import {filterObj} from "@/utils/util";
<!--import '@/assets/less/TableExpand.less'-->
<!--import {mixinDevice} from '@/utils/mixin'-->
<!--import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin'-->
<!--import ZyPlanProcessModal from './modules/ZyPlanProcessModal2'-->
<!--import {getAction} from "@api/manage";-->
<!--import {filterObj} from "@/utils/util";-->
export default {
name: 'ZyPlanProcessList',
mixins: [JeecgListMixin, mixinDevice],
components: {
data() {
// this.cacheData = this.dataSource.map(item => ({ ...item }));
this.cacheData = [];
return {
description: '生产计划工序管理页面',
// columns,
columns: [
title: '#',
dataIndex: 'productProcessId',
key: 'rowIndex',
width: 60,
align: "center",
customRender: function (t, r, index) {
return parseInt(index) + 1;
/* {
title: '计划id',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'planId'
title: '工单编号',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'workOrderId',
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'workOrderId'}
title: '产品id',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'productId'
title: '工序id',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'productProcessId'
title: '产品',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'productName'
title: '车间',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'departName'
title: '工序',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'processName'
title: '工位列表',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'stationList',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'stationList'}
title: '工位工具列表',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'toolsList',
width: 150,
// scopedSlots: {customRender: this.toolsList}
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'toolsList'}
title: '工具设备列表',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'machineList',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'machineList'}
title: '前导工序',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'proProcess',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'proProcess'}
title: '后导工序',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'proProcess',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'postProcess'}
title: '输入产品',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'inputProduct',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'inputProduct'}
title: '成品/半成品',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'semiProduct',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'semiProduct'}
<!--export default {-->
<!-- name: 'ZyPlanProcessList',-->
<!-- mixins: [JeecgListMixin, mixinDevice],-->
<!-- components: {-->
<!-- ZyPlanProcessModal-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- data() {-->
<!-- // this.cacheData = this.dataSource.map(item => ({ ...item }));-->
<!-- this.cacheData = [];-->
<!-- return {-->
<!-- description: '生产计划工序管理页面',-->
<!-- // columns,-->
<!-- // -->
<!-- columns: [-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '#',-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'productProcessId',-->
<!-- key: 'rowIndex',-->
<!-- width: 60,-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- customRender: function (t, r, index) {-->
<!-- return parseInt(index) + 1;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- /* {-->
<!-- title: '计划id',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'planId'-->
<!-- },*/-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工单编号',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'workOrderId',-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'workOrderId'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- /*{-->
<!-- title: '产品id',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'productId'-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工序id',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'productProcessId'-->
<!-- },*/-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '产品',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'productName'-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '车间',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'departName'-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工序',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'processName'-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工位列表',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'stationList',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'stationList'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工位工具列表',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'toolsList',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- // scopedSlots: {customRender: this.toolsList}-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'toolsList'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '工具设备列表',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'machineList',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'machineList'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '前导工序',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'proProcess',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'proProcess'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '后导工序',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'proProcess',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'postProcess'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '输入产品',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'inputProduct',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'inputProduct'}-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- {-->
<!-- title: '成品/半成品',-->
<!-- align: "center",-->
<!-- dataIndex: 'semiProduct',-->
<!-- width: 150,-->
<!-- scopedSlots: {customRender: 'semiProduct'}-->
<!-- },-->
// {
// title: 'operation',
// dataIndex: 'operation',
// scopedSlots: {customRender: 'operation'},
// },
<!-- // {-->
<!-- // title: 'operation',-->
<!-- // dataIndex: 'operation',-->
<!-- // scopedSlots: {customRender: 'operation'},-->
<!-- // },-->
// {
// title: '',
// dataIndex: 'action',
// align: "center",
// fixed: "right",
// width: 147,
// scopedSlots: {customRender: 'action'}
// }
editingKey: '',
url: {
list: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/getProcessDatalist",
stationToolslist: "/stationTool/list",
stationMachinelist: "/stationMachine/list",
// productPlanlist: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyProductPlan/list",
delete: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/delete",
// deleteBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/deleteBatch",
// exportXlsUrl: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/exportXls",
// importExcelUrl: "org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/importExcel",
loadRouteType: false,
planId: "",
dictOptions: {},
// superFieldList: [],
toolsList: [],
machineList: [],
created() {
computed: {
importExcelUrl: function () {
return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`;
methods: {
fanHui() {
path: '/productplan/ZyPlanProcessList',
getToolAndMachine(stationId) {
// alert("stationId=" + stationId);
getAction(this.url.stationToolslist, {"stationId": stationId}).then((res) => {
if (res.success) {
this.toolsList = res.result.records || res.result;
console.log("toolsList", JSON.stringify(this.toolsList))
} else {
<!-- // {-->
<!-- // title: '',-->
<!-- // dataIndex: 'action',-->
<!-- // align: "center",-->
<!-- // fixed: "right",-->
<!-- // width: 147,-->
<!-- // scopedSlots: {customRender: 'action'}-->
<!-- // }-->
<!-- ],-->
<!-- editingKey: '',-->
<!-- url: {-->
<!-- list: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/getProcessDatalist",-->
<!-- stationToolslist: "/stationTool/list",-->
<!-- stationMachinelist: "/stationMachine/list",-->
<!-- // productPlanlist: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyProductPlan/list",-->
<!-- delete: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/delete",-->
<!-- // deleteBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/deleteBatch",-->
<!-- // exportXlsUrl: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/exportXls",-->
<!-- // importExcelUrl: "org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/importExcel",-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- loadRouteType: false,-->
<!-- planId: "",-->
<!-- dictOptions: {},-->
<!-- // superFieldList: [],-->
<!-- toolsList: [],-->
<!-- machineList: [],-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- created() {-->
<!-- this.getSuperFieldList();-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- computed: {-->
<!-- importExcelUrl: function () {-->
<!-- return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`;-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- methods: {-->
<!-- fanHui() {-->
<!-- this.$router.push({-->
<!-- path: '/productplan/ZyPlanProcessList',-->
<!-- });-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- getToolAndMachine(stationId) {-->
<!-- // alert("stationId=" + stationId);-->
<!-- getAction(this.url.stationToolslist, {"stationId": stationId}).then((res) => {-->
<!-- if (res.success) {-->
<!-- this.toolsList = res.result.records || res.result;-->
<!-- console.log("toolsList", JSON.stringify(this.toolsList))-->
<!-- } else {-->
<!-- this.$message.warning(res.message)-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- });-->
getAction(this.url.stationMachinelist, {"stationId": stationId}).then((res) => {
if (res.success) {
this.machineList = res.result.records || res.result;
console.log("machineList", JSON.stringify(this.toolsList))
} else {
loadParameter() {
if (this.loadRouteType === false) {
this.planId = this.$route.query.planId;
// this.biaoTi = this.$route.query.styleNames+"";
console.log("*******传递的planId:" + this.planId)
this.loadRouteType = true;
loadData(arg) {
if (!this.url.list) {
// 1
if (arg === 1) {
this.ipagination.current = 1;
var params = this.getQueryParams();//
this.loading = true;
console.log("----------------the params:", params);
getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => {
if (res.success) {
this.dataSource = res.result.records || res.result;
if (res.result.total) {
this.ipagination.total = res.result.total;
} else {
this.ipagination.total = 0;
} else {
}).finally(() => {
// this.dataSource.forEach(item => {
// item['stationName'] = this.stationName;
// item['stationNum'] = this.stationNum;
// })
this.loading = false
getQueryParams() {
let sqp = {}
if (this.superQueryParams) {
sqp['superQueryParams'] = encodeURI(this.superQueryParams)
sqp['superQueryMatchType'] = this.superQueryMatchType
var param = Object.assign(sqp, this.queryParam, this.isorter, this.filters);
param.field = this.getQueryField();
param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current;
param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize;
param.planId = this.planId;
return filterObj(param);
// initDictConfig() {
// },
getSuperFieldList() {
// let fieldList = [];
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'id', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'planId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productName', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'stationId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'machineIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'toolsIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productProcessId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productProcessId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'userIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})
// this.superFieldList = fieldList
// handleChange(value, key, column) {
// const newData = [...this.data];
// const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);
// if (target) {
// target[column] = value;
// this.data = newData;
// }
// },
edit(key) {
alert("the edit() record =" + JSON.stringify(key))
// const newData = [...this.data];
const newData = [...this.dataSource];
// const newData = record;
console.log("the edit() newData =", JSON.stringify(newData));
// this.editingKey = '0';
// record.editable = true;
// const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);
const target = newData[0];
console.log("the edit() target =", JSON.stringify(target));
this.editingKey = key;
console.log("the edit() editingKey =", this.editingKey);
if (target) {
// debugger;
target.editable = true;
this.dataSource = newData;
save(key) {
// const newData = [...this.data];
const newData = this.dataSource;
console.log("save() newData=", JSON.stringify(newData))
const newCacheData = [...this.cacheData];
const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);
const targetCache = newCacheData.find(item => key === item.key);
if (target && targetCache) {
delete target.editable;
this.dataSource = newData;
Object.assign(targetCache, target);
this.cacheData = newCacheData;
this.editingKey = '';
cancel(key) {
const newData = this.dataSource;
const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);
this.editingKey = '';
if (target) {
Object.assign(target, this.cacheData.find(item => key === item.key));
delete target.editable;
this.dataSource = newData;
<style scoped>
.editable-row-operations a {
margin-right: 8px;
<!-- getAction(this.url.stationMachinelist, {"stationId": stationId}).then((res) => {-->
<!-- if (res.success) {-->
<!-- this.machineList = res.result.records || res.result;-->
<!-- console.log("machineList", JSON.stringify(this.toolsList))-->
<!-- } else {-->
<!-- this.$message.warning(res.message)-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- });-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- //-->
<!-- loadParameter() {-->
<!-- if (this.loadRouteType === false) {-->
<!-- this.planId = this.$route.query.planId;-->
<!-- // this.biaoTi = this.$route.query.styleNames+"";-->
<!-- console.log("*******传递的planId:" + this.planId)-->
<!-- this.loadRouteType = true;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- loadData(arg) {-->
<!-- if (!this.url.list) {-->
<!-- this.$message.error("请设置url.list属性!")-->
<!-- return-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- // 1-->
<!-- if (arg === 1) {-->
<!-- this.ipagination.current = 1;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- this.loadParameter();-->
<!-- var params = this.getQueryParams();//-->
<!-- this.loading = true;-->
<!-- console.log("&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;the params:", params);-->
<!-- getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => {-->
<!-- if (res.success) {-->
<!-- this.dataSource = res.result.records || res.result;-->
<!-- if (res.result.total) {-->
<!-- this.ipagination.total = res.result.total;-->
<!-- } else {-->
<!-- this.ipagination.total = 0;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- } else {-->
<!-- this.$message.warning(res.message)-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- }).finally(() => {-->
<!-- // this.dataSource.forEach(item => {-->
<!-- // item['stationName'] = this.stationName;-->
<!-- // item['stationNum'] = this.stationNum;-->
<!-- // })-->
<!-- this.loading = false-->
<!-- })-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- getQueryParams() {-->
<!-- //-->
<!-- let sqp = {}-->
<!-- if (this.superQueryParams) {-->
<!-- sqp['superQueryParams'] = encodeURI(this.superQueryParams)-->
<!-- sqp['superQueryMatchType'] = this.superQueryMatchType-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- var param = Object.assign(sqp, this.queryParam, this.isorter, this.filters);-->
<!-- param.field = this.getQueryField();-->
<!-- param.pageNo = this.ipagination.current;-->
<!-- param.pageSize = this.ipagination.pageSize;-->
<!-- param.planId = this.planId;-->
<!-- return filterObj(param);-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- // initDictConfig() {-->
<!-- // },-->
<!-- getSuperFieldList() {-->
<!-- // let fieldList = [];-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'id', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'planId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productName', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'stationId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'machineIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'toolsIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productProcessId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'productProcessId', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'userIds', text: 'id', dictCode: ''})-->
<!-- // this.superFieldList = fieldList-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- // handleChange(value, key, column) {-->
<!-- // const newData = [...this.data];-->
<!-- // const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);-->
<!-- // if (target) {-->
<!-- // target[column] = value;-->
<!-- // this.data = newData;-->
<!-- // }-->
<!-- // },-->
<!-- edit(key) {-->
<!-- alert("the edit() record =" + JSON.stringify(key))-->
<!-- // const newData = [...this.data];-->
<!-- const newData = [...this.dataSource];-->
<!-- // const newData = record;-->
<!-- console.log("the edit() newData =", JSON.stringify(newData));-->
<!-- // this.editingKey = '0';-->
<!-- // record.editable = true;-->
<!-- // const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);-->
<!-- const target = newData[0];-->
<!-- console.log("the edit() target =", JSON.stringify(target));-->
<!-- this.editingKey = key;-->
<!-- console.log("the edit() editingKey =", this.editingKey);-->
<!-- if (target) {-->
<!-- // debugger;-->
<!-- target.editable = true;-->
<!-- this.dataSource = newData;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- save(key) {-->
<!-- // const newData = [...this.data];-->
<!-- const newData = this.dataSource;-->
<!-- console.log("save() newData=", JSON.stringify(newData))-->
<!-- const newCacheData = [...this.cacheData];-->
<!-- const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);-->
<!-- const targetCache = newCacheData.find(item => key === item.key);-->
<!-- if (target && targetCache) {-->
<!-- delete target.editable;-->
<!-- this.dataSource = newData;-->
<!-- Object.assign(targetCache, target);-->
<!-- this.cacheData = newCacheData;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- this.editingKey = '';-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- cancel(key) {-->
<!-- const newData = this.dataSource;-->
<!-- const target = newData.find(item => key === item.key);-->
<!-- this.editingKey = '';-->
<!-- if (target) {-->
<!-- Object.assign(target, this.cacheData.find(item => key === item.key));-->
<!-- delete target.editable;-->
<!-- this.dataSource = newData;-->
<!-- }-->
<!-- },-->
<!-- },-->
<!--<style scoped>-->
<!--.editable-row-operations a {-->
<!-- margin-right: 8px;-->

@ -1,76 +1,27 @@
<a-card :bordered="false">
<!-- 查询区域 -->
<div class="table-page-search-wrapper">
<a-form layout="inline" @keyup.enter.native="searchQuery">
<a-row :gutter="24">
<!-- 查询区域-END -->
<div class="table-operator">
<!-- <a-button @click="handleAdd" type="primary" icon="plus">新增</a-button>-->
<!-- <a-button @click="zyStyleFabricHandleAdd(stationId)" type="primary" icon="plus">新增</a-button>-->
<a-button type="primary" icon="download" @click="handleExportXls('1')">导出</a-button>
<a-button type="primary" icon="download" @click="handleExportXls('计划工序')">导出</a-button>
<!-- <a-button type="primary" @click="handleTableSave($event)">保存</a-button>-->
<a-button type="primary" @click="fanHui()">返回</a-button>
<!-- table区域-begin -->
<!-- <div class="ant-alert ant-alert-info" style="margin-bottom: 16px;">-->
<!-- <i class="anticon anticon-info-circle ant-alert-icon"></i> 已选择 <a-->
<!-- style="font-weight: 600">{{ selectedRowKeys.length }}</a>-->
<!-- <a style="margin-left: 24px" @click="onClearSelected">清空</a>-->
<!-- </div>-->
:rowSelection="{selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange}"
<!-- <span slot="machineIds_dictText" slot-scope="text, record">-->
<span slot="groupMemberList" slot-scope="record,text">
<a-select mode="multiple"
style="width: 220px"
<a-select-option v-for="item in record" :value="item.id">
{{ item.userId }}
<!-- <span slot="toolsList" slot-scope="toolsList">-->
<!-- <a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">-->
<!-- <a-select-option v-for="item in toolsList" :value="item.id">-->
<!-- {{ item.name }}-->
<!-- </a-select-option>-->
<!-- </a-select>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span slot="machineList" slot-scope="machineList">-->
<!-- <a-select style="width: 180px" placeholder="请选择">-->
<!-- <a-select-option v-for="item in machineList" :value="item.id">-->
<!-- {{ item.name }}-->
<!-- </a-select-option>-->
<!-- </a-select>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<div class="table-operator" style="text-align: right">
<a-button type="primary" @click="saveBatch">提交</a-button>
<!-- <zy-plan-process-modal @valueChange="valueChange" ref="modalForm" @ok="modalFormOk"></zy-plan-process-modal>-->
@ -79,136 +30,88 @@
import '@/assets/less/TableExpand.less'
import {mixinDevice} from '@/utils/mixin'
import {JeecgListMixin} from '@/mixins/JeecgListMixin'
import ZyPlanProcessModal from './modules/ZyPlanProcessModal2'
import {getAction, httpAction, downFile, postAction} from "@api/manage";
import {filterObj} from "@/utils/util";
import {getAction, postAction} from "@api/manage";
import {filterObj, pushIfNotExist, randomNumber, randomUUID} from "@/utils/util";
import {JVXETypes} from '@/components/jeecg/JVxeTable'
export default {
name: 'ZyPlanProcessList',
name: 'ZyPlanProcessDataList',
mixins: [JeecgListMixin, mixinDevice],
components: {
data() {
return {
description: '生产计划班组管理页面',
columns: [
title: '#',
dataIndex: '',
key: 'rowIndex',
width: 60,
align: "center",
customRender: function (t, r, index) {
return parseInt(index) + 1;
// {
// title: 'id',
// align: "center",
// dataIndex: 'planId'
toolbarConfig: {
// add remove clearSelection
btn: ['save']
description: '生产计划工序管理页面',
loading: false,
// pagination: {
// //
// current: 1,
// //
// pageSize: 10,
// //
// pageSizeOptions: ['10', '20', '30', '50'],
// // 0
// total: 0,
// },
title: '工单编号',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'workOrderId'
title: '产品id',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'productId'
title: '产品',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'productName'
title: '车间',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'departName'
title: '工序',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'processName'
// selectedRows: [],
dataSource: [],
// columns,
columns: [
{key: 'workOrderId', title: '工单编号', width: '180px'},
{key: 'productName', title: '产品名称', width: '180px'},
{key: 'departName', title: '车间名称', width: '180px'},
{key: 'processName', title: '工序名称', width: '180px'},
{key: 'groupName', title: '班组名称', width: '180px'},
title: '班组成员',
align: "center",
dataIndex: 'groupMemberList',
width: 150,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'groupMemberList'}
key: 'userIds',
type: JVXETypes.selectMultiple,
width: '200px',
options: [],
placeholder: '请选择${title}',
// {
// title: '',
// align: "center",
// dataIndex: 'toolsList',
// width: 150,
// scopedSlots: {customRender: 'toolsList'}
// // scopedSlots: {customRender: this.toolsList}
// },
// {
// title: '',
// align: "center",
// dataIndex: 'machineList',
// width: 150,
// scopedSlots: {customRender: 'machineList'}
// },
title: '操作',
dataIndex: 'action',
align: "center",
fixed: "right",
width: 147,
scopedSlots: {customRender: 'action'}
url: {
list: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/getTeamDatalist",
// getTeamDatalistByPlanId: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/getTeamDatalistByPlanId",
groupMemberlist: "/groupxMember/list",
addTeamBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/addTeamBatch",
// stationMachinelist: "/stationMachine/list",
// productPlanlist: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyProductPlan/list",
delete: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/delete",
// deleteBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/deleteBatch",
// exportXlsUrl: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/exportXls",
// importExcelUrl: "org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/importExcel",
// addProcessBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/addProcessBatch",
updateTeamBatch: "/org.jeecg.modules.productplan/zyPlanProcess/addTeamBatch",
loadRouteType: false,
planId: "",
dictOptions: {},
superFieldList: [],
toolsList: [],
machineList: [],
processIds: [],
memberIds: [],
groupMemberList: [],
clickTrue: true,
created() {
// this.model = Object.assign({}, record);
computed: {
importExcelUrl: function () {
return `${window._CONFIG['domianURL']}/${this.url.importExcelUrl}`;
methods: {
saveBatch() {
// alert("")
postAction(this.url.addTeamBatch, this.processIds).then((res) => {
handleTableSave({$table, target}) {
$table.validate().then((errMap) => {
if (!errMap) {
let tableData = target.getTableData()
console.log('当前保存的数据是:', tableData)
this.loading = true
postAction(this.url.updateTeamBatch, tableData).then(res => {
if (res.success) {
} else {
this.$message.warn(`保存失败:` + res.message)
}).finally(() => {
this.confirmLoading = false
this.loading = false
fanHui() {
@ -216,16 +119,7 @@ export default {
path: '/productplan/ZyPlanTeamList',
selectData($event, row) {
console.log("group_member key $event=" + $event);
// console.log("group_member key row=" + JSON.stringify(row));
console.log("productProcessId=" + JSON.stringify(row.productProcessId));
this.processIds.push({"processId": row.productProcessId, "userIds": $event});
// for (var i = 0; i < processIds.length; i++) {
console.log("the processIds length:" + this.processIds.length);
loadParameter() {
if (this.loadRouteType === false) {
@ -236,14 +130,16 @@ export default {
loadData(arg) {
console.log("the loadData---------开始");
// var that = this;
if (!this.url.list) {
// 1
if (arg === 1) {
this.ipagination.current = 1;
// if (arg === 1) {
// this.ipagination.current = 1;
// }
var params = this.getQueryParams();//
this.loading = true;
@ -251,19 +147,12 @@ export default {
getAction(this.url.list, params).then((res) => {
if (res.success) {
this.dataSource = res.result.records || res.result;
if (res.result.total) {
this.ipagination.total = res.result.total;
} else {
this.ipagination.total = 0;
this.groupMemberList = this.dataSource[0].groupMemberList;
} else {
// this.stationIdCode = "station,station_name,id,depart_id in (select workshop_id from zy_product_plan where id='" + this.planId + "')";
}).finally(() => {
// this.dataSource.forEach(item => {
// item['stationName'] = this.stationName;
// item['stationNum'] = this.stationNum;
// })
this.loading = false
@ -281,51 +170,15 @@ export default {
param.planId = this.planId;
return filterObj(param);
// initDictConfig() {
// },
getSuperFieldList() {
let fieldList = [];
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'planId', text: '生产计划id', dictCode: ''})
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'stationId', text: '工位id', dictCode: ''})
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'machineIds', text: '设备id列表', dictCode: ''})
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'toolsIds', text: '工具id列表', dictCode: ''})
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'processIds', text: '工序id列表', dictCode: ''})
fieldList.push({type: 'string', value: 'userIds', text: '成员id列表', dictCode: ''})
this.superFieldList = fieldList
// jumpPage1(record) {
// this.$router.push({
// // path: '/productplan/ZyProductPlanList',
// path: '/productplan/ZyPlanProcessDataList',
// // query: { //
// // 'stationId': record.id,
// // 'stationName': record.stationName,
// // },
// });
// },
// pf(record) {
// this.$router.push({
// path: '/productplan/ZyPlanProcessAddList',
// query: { //
// }
// });
// getAction("productPlanlist", {id: record.id}).then((res) => {
// if (res.success) {
// this.$router.push({
// path: '/src/views/processassessment/assessmentCourse/ClassOpeningTaskList',
// query: { //
// }
// });
// } else {
// this.$message.error(res.message)
// }
// });
// },
handleSelectRowChange(event) {
console.log("handleSelectRowChange-event:", event)
const {type, row, column, value, target, $table} = event
console.log("groupMemberList-----------", JSON.stringify(this.groupMemberList));
// target.$refs.vxe.columns[6].dictCode = this.stationIdCode;
target.$refs.vxe.columns[7].options = this.groupMemberList;
<style scoped>
@import '~@assets/less/common.less';

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class ZyPlanProcess implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "设备id列表", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "设备id列表")
@Dict(dictTable = "zy_devicetype", dicText = "name", dicCode = "id")
@Dict(dictTable = "zy_device", dicText = "name", dicCode = "id")
private String machineIds;
* 工具id列表
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class ZyPlanProcess implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "成员id列表", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "成员id列表")
@Dict(dictTable = "groupx_member", dicText = "user_id", dicCode = "id")
@Dict(dictTable = "sys_user", dicText = "realname", dicCode = "id")
private String userIds;
@ -108,12 +108,14 @@ public class ZyPlanProcess implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "前导工序", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "前导工序")
@Dict(dictTable = "zy_process", dicText = "process_name", dicCode = "id")
private String proProcess;
* 后导工序
@Excel(name = "后导工序", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "后导工序")
@Dict(dictTable = "zy_process", dicText = "process_name", dicCode = "id")
private String postProcess;
* 输入产品

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.entity.GroupxMember;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.vo.GroupxMemeberVo;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.vo.StationVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
@ -34,8 +35,10 @@ public class ProcessDataVo implements Serializable {
private List<StationVo> stationList;
private String groupName;
private List<GroupxMember> groupMemberList;
private List<GroupxMemeberVo> groupMemberList;
// @Dict(dictTable ="zy_process",dicText = "process_name",dicCode = "id")

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package org.jeecg.modules.productplan.service.impl;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.LambdaQueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.exception.JeecgBootException;
import org.jeecg.modules.demo.base.service.IZyProcessService;
import org.jeecg.modules.product.zyproductprocess.entity.ZyProductProcess;
@ -14,11 +15,15 @@ import org.jeecg.modules.productplan.mapper.ZyPlanProcessMapper;
import org.jeecg.modules.productplan.service.IZyPlanProcessService;
import org.jeecg.modules.productplan.service.IZyProductPlanService;
import org.jeecg.modules.system.entity.SysDepart;
import org.jeecg.modules.system.entity.SysUser;
import org.jeecg.modules.system.service.ISysDepartService;
import org.jeecg.modules.system.service.ISysUserService;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.entity.GroupxMember;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.entity.Station;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.service.IGroupxMemberService;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.service.IGroupxService;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.service.IStationService;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.vo.GroupxMemeberVo;
import org.jeecg.modules.team.vo.StationVo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
@ -27,6 +32,8 @@ import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import static com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.Ring.add;
* @Description: 生产计划工序
* @Author: jeecg-boot
@ -47,10 +54,15 @@ public class ZyPlanProcessServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ZyPlanProcessMapper, Z
private ISysDepartService iSysDepartService;
private ISysUserService iSysUserService;
private IZyProcessService iZyProcessService;
private IGroupxMemberService iGroupxMemberService;
private IGroupxService iGroupxService;
public List<ProcessDataVo> getProcessDatalist(ZyPlanProcess zyPlanProcess) {
@ -59,15 +71,13 @@ public class ZyPlanProcessServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ZyPlanProcessMapper, Z
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(zyPlanProcess)) {
throw new JeecgBootException("生产计划不存在!");
String productCode = zyProductPlan.getProductCode();
String departId = zyProductPlan.getWorkshopId();
// TODO zy_product产品表,根据工单id获取产品id,
List<ProcessDataVo> result = new LinkedList<>();
// List<ZyProductProcess> productProcessesList = iZyProductProcessService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<ZyProductProcess>().eq(ZyProductProcess::getProductId, "产品id"));
List<ZyProductProcess> productProcessesList = iZyProductProcessService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<ZyProductProcess>().eq(ZyProductProcess::getProductId, "1"));
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(productProcessesList)) {
SysDepart depart = iSysDepartService.getById(departId);
List<Station> stationList = iStationService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<Station>().eq(Station::getDepartId, departId));
List<StationVo> stationVoList = new LinkedList<>();
@ -82,6 +92,26 @@ public class ZyPlanProcessServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ZyPlanProcessMapper, Z
List<ZyPlanProcess> planProcessList = this.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<ZyPlanProcess>().eq(ZyPlanProcess::getPlanId, planId));
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(planProcessList) && planProcessList.size() > 1) {
planProcessList.forEach(e -> {
ProcessDataVo vo = new ProcessDataVo();
} else {
// List<ZyProductProcess> productProcessesList = iZyProductProcessService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<ZyProductProcess>().eq(ZyProductProcess::getProductId, "产品id"));
List<ZyProductProcess> productProcessesList = iZyProductProcessService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<ZyProductProcess>().eq(ZyProductProcess::getProductId, "1"));
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(productProcessesList)) {
productProcessesList.forEach(e -> {
ProcessDataVo vo = new ProcessDataVo();
@ -96,6 +126,7 @@ public class ZyPlanProcessServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ZyPlanProcessMapper, Z
return result;
@ -118,18 +149,31 @@ public class ZyPlanProcessServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<ZyPlanProcessMapper, Z
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(productProcessesList)) {
SysDepart depart = iSysDepartService.getById(departId);
List<GroupxMember> groupxMemberList = iGroupxMemberService.list(new LambdaQueryWrapper<GroupxMember>().eq(GroupxMember::getGroupxId, zyProductPlan.getTeamId()));
List<GroupxMemeberVo> groupxMemberVoList = new LinkedList<>();
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(groupxMemberList)) {
groupxMemberList.forEach(en -> {
GroupxMemeberVo memeberVo = new GroupxMemeberVo();
SysUser sysUser = iSysUserService.getById(en.getUserId());
memeberVo.setText(StringUtils.isNotBlank(sysUser.getRealname()) ? sysUser.getRealname() : "");
memeberVo.setTitle(StringUtils.isNotBlank(sysUser.getRealname()) ? sysUser.getRealname() : "");
productProcessesList.forEach(e -> {
ProcessDataVo vo = new ProcessDataVo();
// vo.setProductName("产品名称")
// vo.setStationList(stationList);

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class GroupxMember {
@Excel(name = "用户id FK 用户表", width = 15)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "用户id FK 用户表")
// @Dict(dictTable = "sys_user", dicText = "realname", dicCode = "id")
@Dict(dictTable = "sys_user", dicText = "realname", dicCode = "id")
private String userId;
@TableField(exist = false)

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package org.jeecg.modules.team.vo;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class GroupxMemeberVo {
private String id;
private String value;
private String text;
private String title;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package org.jeecg.modules.team.vo;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class GroupxVo {
private String id;
private String value;
private String text;
private String title;