You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
328 lines
9.9 KiB
328 lines
9.9 KiB
8 months ago
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import { Search } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
const { handleIntoPage } = useOrder()
const tabList = ref([
name: '全部',
type: -1,
name: '待付款',
type: 0,
name: '待发货',
type: 1,
name: '待收货',
type: 4,
name: '已取消',
type: 9,
const bgColor = reactive<any>({
bgColor: '',
Color: '#E93323',
width: '36rpx',
timeTxtwidth: '16rpx',
isDay: true,
fontSize: '14px',
* 我的订单列表
import { PageQuery } from '~/types/global'
import { orderListApi } from '~/server/orderApi'
import { orderStatusFilter, productTypeFilter, productTypeNameFilter } from '~/utils/filter'
const where = reactive<PageQuery>({
page: 1,
limit: 10,
status: -1,
keywords: '',
const {
data: tableData,
pending: listLoading,
} = await useAsyncData(async () => orderListApi(where), {
default: () => ({
list: [],
total: 0,
// 分页数据
const pageChange = (e: number) => {
| = e
const handleChangeTab = async (type: string) => {
where.status = type
| = 1
import { linkNavigateTo } from '~/utils/util'
import useOrder from '~/composables/useOrder'
import { CartBatchAdd } from '~/types/order'
import NotLoggedIn from '~/components/notLoggedIn.vue'
const handleToOrderDetails =async (orderNo: string) => {
listLoading.value = true
await linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_details`, { orderNo: orderNo })
const handleToOrderRefund = async (orderNo: string) =>{
listLoading.value = true
await linkNavigateTo(`/users/refund_list`, { type: 9,orderNo: orderNo })
const useOrders = useOrder()
const handleByAgain = async (cartInfo: Array<any>) => {
let cartListRequest: Array<CartBatchAdd> = []
| => {
productId: parseFloat(item.productId),
productAttrUnique: item.attrValueId,
cartNum: parseFloat(item.payNum),
try {
listLoading.value = true
await useOrders.onByAgain(cartListRequest)
listLoading.value = false
} catch (e) {
listLoading.value = false
const handleDelOrder = async (orderNo: string) => {
await useOrders.onDeleteOrder(orderNo).then(async () => {
await refresh()
const handleConfirmOrder = async (orderNo: string) => {
useOrders.onConfirmOrder(orderNo).then(async () => {
await refresh()
const handleCancelOrder = async (orderNo: string) => {
useOrders.onCancelOrder(orderNo).then(async () => {
await refresh()
const handlePaymentOrder = (orderNo: string) => {
linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_payment`, { orderNo: orderNo })
const stopTime = (isShowCancelTime: boolean, item: any) => {
item.isShowCancelTime = true
<div class="order-list h-100%" v-loading="listLoading">
<div class="flex-between-center mb-23px">
<div class="acea-row">
v-for="item in tabList"
class="item text-16px mr-50px cursor-pointer"
:class="where.status === item.type ? 'font-color font-500' : 'text-#666'"
{{ }}
<el-input @keyup.enter="refresh" v-model="where.keywords" style="width: 275px" placeholder="搜索商品名称或订单号">
<template #prefix>
<el-icon class="el-input__icon"><search /></el-icon>
<div v-if=">0">
<div v-for="item in tableData.list" :key="" class="b-rd-12px w-100% overflow-hidden borderSol-eee mb-20px">
<div class="h-54px lh-52px text-14px flex-between-center bg-#FAFAFA px-20px">
<div class="flex items-center">
<div v-if="item.type === 2" class="mr-10px font-color">
{{ '【' + productTypeNameFilter(item.type) + '】' }}
class="text-#fff labelClass mr-20px"
:class="item.status === 6 || item.status === 9 ? 'bg-#BBBBBB' : 'bg-#E93323'"
{{ orderStatusFilter(item.status) }}
<div class="text-#999999 mr-20px oppoSans-R">{{ item.createTime }}</div>
<div class="text-#999999 mr-50px oppoSans-R">
订单号:<span class="text-#333333 font-400 orderNo oppoSans-R">{{ item.orderNo }}</span>
@click.stop="handleIntoPage('/merchant/merchant_home', { merId: item.merId })"
class="cursors text-14px merchant-home"
<span class="iconfont icon-guanzhudianpu mr-5px line1" style="font-size: 14px"></span><span>{{ item.merName }}</span>
<div class="acea-row font-color" v-if="item.status === 0 && !item.isShowCancelTime">
class="ml-5px mr-5px"
:tip-text="' '"
:day-text="' '"
:hour-text="' : '"
:minute-text="' : '"
:second-text="' '"
:datatime="item.cancelTime / 1000"
<div class="text-12px fontColor333 dinProSemiBold">
<span class="oppoSans-M">¥</span><span class="text-20px dinProRegular font-600">{{ item.payPrice }}</span>
<div class="flex justify-between pl-20px">
class="w-786px mt-20px mb-20px orderProduct"
style="border-right: 1px dashed #eeeeee"
<template v-for="(itm, indexs) in item.orderInfoList" :key="indexs">
<order-product :list="itm"></order-product>
<!-- 订单状态(0:待支付,1:待发货,2:部分发货, 3:待核销,4:待收货,5:已收货,6:已完成,9:已取消) -->
<div class="w-180px pt-20px pb-6px">
v-if="item.status === 0 && !item.isShowCancelTime"
class="cursors m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center font-color text-12px mb-14px"
style="border: 1px solid #e93323"
v-if="item.status === 4"
class="cursors m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center font-color text-12px mb-14px"
style="border: 1px solid #e93323"
v-if="(item.status === 4 || item.status === 9 || item.status === 6) && item.type === 0"
class="cursors m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center text-12px mb-14px"
:style="item.status === 4?'':'border: 1px solid #e93323'"
:class="item.status === 4 ? 'text-#333 borderSol': 'font-color'"
v-if="item.status === 0"
class="m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center text-#333 text-12px borderSol cursors mb14px"
v-if="item.status == 6 || item.status == 9"
class="m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center text-#333 text-12px borderSol cursors mb14px"
class="cursors m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center text-#333 text-12px borderSol mb-14px"
v-if="item.status>0 && item.status<6"
class="cursors m-auto w-86px h-30px lh-29px b-rd-15px text-center text-#333 text-12px borderSol mb-14px"
<div class="acea-row row-middle mt-30px">
layout="prev, pager, next"
<div v-else class="w-100%">
<empty-page title="暂无订单呦~">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/wudingdan.png" />
<style scoped lang="scss">
color: #333333;
color: #E93323 !important;
color: #E93323 !important;
.order-list {
:deep(.el-input__wrapper) {
border: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
:deep(.el-input) {
--el-fill-color-blank: #f7f7f7 !important;
--el-border-radius-base: 20px;
.orderProduct {
:deep(.orderProduct) {
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;