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288 lines
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288 lines
8.3 KiB
1 year ago
<script setup lang="ts">
import { payConfigApi, payGetCashierApi, payPaymentApi } from '~/server/orderApi'
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import QrcodeVue from 'qrcode.vue'
const { routeQuery } = useRouterItem()
const {
data: payInfo,
pending: listLoading,
} = await useAsyncData(async () => payGetCashierApi(routeQuery.orderNo))
if (!payInfo.value) linkNavigateTo(`/users/order_list`, { type: 1 })
const bgColor = reactive<any>({
bgColor: '',
Color: '#E93323',
width: '36rpx',
timeTxtwidth: '16rpx',
isDay: true,
fontSize: '14px',
* 获取支付配置
const payTypeList = ref<any[]>([
name: '微信支付',
id: 1,
value: 'weixin',
tips: '使用微信扫码支付',
payStatus: false,
icon: 'icon-weixinzhifu',
name: '支付宝支付',
id: 2,
value: 'alipay',
tips: '使用支付宝扫码支付',
payStatus: false,
icon: 'icon-zhifubaozhifu',
name: '余额支付',
id: 3,
value: 'yue',
tips: '余额',
payStatus: false,
userBalance: '',
icon: 'icon-yuezhifu',
const loading = ref<boolean>(false)
const isShow = ref<boolean>(false)
const getPayConfig = async () => {
loading.value = true
await payConfigApi()
.then((res) => {
payTypeList.value[2].payStatus = res.yuePayStatus
payTypeList.value[2].userBalance = res.userBalance ? res.userBalance : 0
payTypeList.value[0].payStatus = res.payWechatOpen
payTypeList.value[1].payStatus = res.aliPayStatus
if (payTypeList.value.length) {
isShow.value = false
} else {
isShow.value = true
loading.value = false
.catch(() => {
loading.value = false
* 选择支付方式
* @param type
const payType = ref<string>('weixin')
const handlePayItem = (type: string) => {
payType.value = type
* 立即支付
import useDialog from '~/composables/useDialog'
const { bool: dialogVisibleQrcode, DialogOpen, DialogClose } = useDialog()
const payQrcode = ref<string>('') //支付二维码
const payChannel = ref<string>('')
const btnloading = ref<boolean>(false)
const handleOrderPay = async () => {
if (!payType.value) return feedback.msgWarning('请选择支付方式')
if (payType.value === 'yue') {
payChannel.value = 'yue'
} else if (payType.value == 'alipay') {
payChannel.value = 'alipayPc'
} else {
payChannel.value = 'native'
btnloading.value = true
let data = {
orderNo: routeQuery.orderNo,
payChannel: payChannel.value,
payType: payType.value,
try {
const res = await payPaymentApi(data)
if (res.payType === 'alipay') {
payQrcode.value = res.alipayRequest
} else if (res.payType === 'yue') {
linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_pay_status`, { orderNo: routeQuery.orderNo })
} else {
payQrcode.value = res.jsConfig.mwebUrl
btnloading.value = false
} catch (err: any) {
// linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_pay_status`, { orderNo: routeQuery.orderNo })
btnloading.value = false
* 支付弹窗
import feedback from '~/utils/feedback'
import useRouterItem from '~/composables/useRouterItem'
import { linkNavigateTo } from '~/utils/util'
const handleCloseQrcode = () => {
const getPaymentStatus = () => {
linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_pay_status`, { orderNo: routeQuery.orderNo })
const stopTime = () => {
linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_pay_status`, { orderNo: 0 })
<div class="wrapper_1200 order_payment">
<page-header title="收银台"></page-header>
<div v-loading="listLoading" class="w-100% borRadius bg-#FFF py-56px px-30px flex-between-center mbtom20">
<div class="acea-row">
<img class="backImg w100px h90px" src="~/assets/images/tjchenggong.png" alt="" />
<div class="ml-30px acea-row flex-col w-745px">
<div class="text-20px fontColor333 fw-700 lg-20px mb-27px">订单提交成功,去付款吧~</div>
<div class="acea-row text-14px fontColor333 lh-14px mb-12px">
class="ml-5px mr-5px"
:tip-text="' '"
:day-text="' '"
:hour-text="' : '"
:minute-text="' : '"
:second-text="' '"
:datatime="payInfo.cancelDateTime / 1000"
<div class="borRadius text-14px lh-20px">
收货信息:{{ payInfo?.consigneeName }} {{ payInfo?.consigneePhone }} {{ payInfo?.consigneeAddress }}
<div class="acea-row flex-col flex-justify-around">
<div class="fontColor333 text-14px mbtom20">
<span class="font-color text-14px oppoSans-M"
>¥<span class="text-30px font-color dinProRegular">{{ payInfo?.payPrice }}</span></span
<div class="text-14px fontColor6 text-right">共{{ payInfo?.totalNum }}件商品</div>
<div v-if="isShow" class="titleNo">暂无支付方式!</div>
<div v-else class="w-100% borRadius bg-#FFF py-30px px-30px">
<div class="fonts16 text-#282828 mbtom30">选择以下支付方式</div>
<div v-loading="loading" class="acea-row mbtom30">
<template v-for="item in payTypeList" :key="">
:class="payType === item.value ? 'borderSolRed' : 'pay-type'"
class="w-270px h-80px b-rd-8px flex-x-center flex-y-center mr-20px cursors"
<span class="iconfont mr-14px" :class="item.icon"></span>
<div class="acea-row flex-col flex-justify-around">
<div class="fonts16 text-#4E4E4E mb-6px">{{ }}</div>
<div class="font12 text-#969696">
{{ }}
<span v-if="item.userBalance">:¥{{ item.userBalance }}</span>
<div class="acea-row row-right">
class="cursors b-rd-25px bg-color text-center text-#fff w-150px h-50px text-16px line-height-50px"
<!-- 支付弹窗 -->
:title="payType == 'alipay' ? '支付宝支付' : '微信支付'"
<div class="flex-x-center text-#333 text-14px mb-20px mt-4px" style="align-items: end;">
支付:<span class="font-color font-600 oppoSans-M">¥</span><span class="font-color text-30px font-600 lh-30px dinProRegular">{{payInfo?.payPrice}}</span>
<div class="flex-x-center">
<qrcode-vue :value="payQrcode" :size="280" level="H" />
<div class="mt-30px text-16px text-#333 text-center">
请使用{{ payType == 'alipay' ? '支付宝' : '微信' }}扫描二维码支付
<template #footer>
<div class="dialog-footer flex-x-center">
class="borderSol w-120px h-44px lh-43px text-16px text-#333 b-rd-25px cursors"
<div class="handleBtn w-120px h-44px lh-43px text-16px ml-20px cursors" @click="getPaymentStatus">
<style scoped lang="scss">
font-size: 20px !important;
font-weight: 500;
color: #333333 !important;
.pay {
&-type {
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
.order_payment {
.iconfont {
font-size: 36px;
.icon-yuezhifu {
color: #fe9c01;
.icon-weixinzhifu {
color: #09bb07;
.icon-zhifubaozhifu {
color: #00aaea;