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172 lines
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172 lines
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1 year ago
<div class="address h-100%">
<div class="flex-between-center mb-37px">
<span class="font18 fontColor333 mr-10px">收货地址({{ addressList.length }})</span>
<span class="text-12px text-#666">最多可添加10条</span>
<div v-if="addressList.length<10" class="handleBtn w-86px h-30px lh-29px cursors" style="font-size: 14px" @click="handleAddAddress">添加地址</div>
<div v-loading="listLoading" class="h-82%">
<div v-if="addressList.length">
v-for="item in addressList"
class="mb-20px flex-between-center b-rd-16px w-960px h-106px bg-#FAFAFA px-20px py-20px"
<div class="text-14px text-#666">
<div class="mb-10px">
<span class="w-70px inline-block mr-6px">收货人:</span>{{ item.realName }}
<div class="mb-10px">
<span class="w-70px inline-block mr-6px">联系电话:</span>{{ }}
<div class="w-815px line1">
<span class="w-70px inline-block mr-6px"
>{{ item.province }}{{ }}{{ item.district }}{{item.street}}{{ item.detail }}
<div class="mb-34px text-right">
<span class="iconfont icon-bianji mr-14px cursors" @click="handleEditAddress("></span
><span class="iconfont icon-shanchu cursors" @click="handleDelAddress("></span>
<el-radio-group v-model="defaultId" @change="handleChecked">
<el-radio :label="" size="large">
<div class="text-14px text-#666">{{item.isDefault?'默认地址':'设为默认地址'}}</div>
<div v-else class="w-100% h-100%">
<empty-page title="暂无地址信息呦~">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/wudizhi.png">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {addressListApi, setAddressDefaultApi, addressDelApi, addressDetailApi} from '~/server/userApi'
import feedback from '~/utils/feedback'
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import { AddressInfo } from '~/types/user'
import { addressDefault } from '~/pages/users/defaultUser'
const { data: addressList, pending: listLoading, refresh } = await useAsyncData(async () => addressListApi())
const defaultId = ref<number>(0)
const getIsDefault = () => {
let data = addressList.value.find((item: any) => item.isDefault)
defaultId.value = data?.id
* 设置默认地址
const handleChecked = async () => {
await setAddressDefaultApi(defaultId.value)
await feedback.msgSuccess('设置默认地址成功')
await refresh()
const { bool: dialogVisible, DialogOpen, DialogClose } = useDialog()
const handleAddAddress = async () => {
Object.assign(addressInfo, addressDefault())
selAddressData.value = []
const handleSubmitClose = () => {
const handleDelAddress = async (id:number) => {
await feedback.confirm('确认删除该地址吗?')
await addressDelApi(id)
await refresh()
const handleSubmitAddress = async () => {
await refresh()
await DialogClose()
await getIsDefault()
const addressInfo = reactive<AddressInfo>(addressDefault())
const selAddressData = ref<any[]>([]) //选中的地址数组
const handleEditAddress = async (id: number) => {
let info =await addressDetailApi(id)
Object.assign(addressInfo, info)
selAddressData.value = [
regionName: info.province,
parentId: 1,
isChild: true,
regionId: info.provinceId,
regionType: 1,
parentId: info.provinceId,
regionId: info.cityId,
isChild: true,
regionType: 2,
regionName: info.district,
parentId: info.cityId,
regionId: info.districtId,
isChild: true,
regionType: 3,
isChild: false,
parentId: info.districtId,
regionName: info.street,
regionType: 4,
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/assets/scss/checkbox.scss';
:deep(.el-radio.el-radio--large .el-radio__inner){
width: 18px !important;
height: 18px !important;
:deep(.el-radio) {
height: 0 !important;