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711 lines
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<div class="shoppingCart">
<div class="wrapper_1200">
<div class="title w-1200px acea-row row-between">
<div class="fontColor333 fonts16">购物车({{useStore.carNumber}})</div>
<div class="acea-row h-50px b-rd-12px bg-#FFFFFF pl-30px py-16px mb-20px">
<div class="allSelect w-285px" @click="allChecked">
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
<div class="well-check acea-row">
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="" :checked="isAllSelect" @click="allChecked" />
<i class="icon mr-10px" style="top: 9px"></i>
<div class="checkAll text-14px text-#666">全选</div>
<div class="text-14px w-217px text-#666">商品信息</div>
<div class="text-14px w-178px text-#666 text-center">单价</div>
<div class="text-14px w-150px text-#666 text-center">数量</div>
<div class="text-14px w-230px text-#666 text-center">金额</div>
<div class="text-14px w-76px text-#666 text-center">操作</div>
<div ref="shoppingCartRef" v-loading="loading">
<div class="cartList" v-if="cartList.cartValid.length > 0">
class="borRadius mbtom20 item-box"
v-for="(item, index) in cartList.cartValid"
style="overflow: hidden"
<div class="checkbox-wrapper acea-row mbtom30">
<label class="well-check acea-row row-middle">
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="" :checked="item.checked" @click="storeChecked(item, index)" />
<i class="icon mr-24px cursors"></i>
<div @click.stop="handleIntoPage('/merchant/merchant_home', { merId: item.merId })" class="acea-row">
<div v-if="item.merIsSelf"><span class="lh-12px bg-color inline-block text-12px text-#fff b-rd-2px py-2px mr-6px px-4px relative" style="top:-2px">自营</span></div>
<span class="checkAll fonts14 fontColor333 cursors">{{ item.merName }}</span>
<div class="storeCartList">
<div class="item acea-row row-middle mbtom30" v-for="(itemn, indexn) in item.cartInfoList" :key="indexn">
<div class="allSelect acea-row row-center-wrapper">
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
<label class="well-check">
@click="switchSelect(index, indexn)"
<i class="icon cursors"></i>
<div class="info ml-20px acea-row row-middle cursors" @click="handlerNuxtLink(itemn.productId, 'normal')">
<el-image class="backImg" :src="itemn.image" lazy></el-image>
<div class="text">
<div class="name line1 fontColor333 text-14px font-500 oppoSans-M">{{ itemn.proName }}</div>
<div class="infor fontColor333 fonts14 font-400 oppoSans-R" v-if="itemn.sku">规格{{ itemn.sku }}</div>
<div class="price acea-row row-center-wrapper">
{{ itemn.price }}
<div class="num acea-row row-center-wrapper">
class="iconfont icon-shangpinshuliang-jian cursors flex-center"
:class="itemn.numSub ? 'greyCar' : ''"
<input class="numCon" min="0" v-model="itemn.cartNum" type="number" @input="inputNum(itemn)" />
class="iconfont icon-shangpinshuliang-jia rigth cursors flex-center"
:class="itemn.numAdd ? 'greyCar' : ''"
<div class="money acea-row font-color justify-center" style="align-items: end">
<span class="text-12px font-600 dinProSemiBold"></span><span class="lh-18px font-600 dinProSemiBold text-18px">{{ (itemn.price * itemn.cartNum).toFixed(2) }}</span>
<div class="operate">
<div @click="handleCartToCollect(" class="fonts14 fontColor6 lh-14px mb-15px cursors collect">移入收藏库</div>
<div @click="handleDeleteGoods(" class="fonts14 fontColor6 lh-14px cursors delete">删除</div>
<div class="cartList invalid borRadius" v-if="cartList.cartInvalid.length > 0">
<div class="store-info acea-row row-between mbtom30">
<div class="storeAllSelect cursor" @click="goodsOpen">
<label class="well-check">
class="iconfont fonts14 fontColor333"
:class="goodsHidden == true ? 'icon-xiangxia' : 'icon-xiangshang'"
<div class="del" @click="unsetCart"><span class="fontColor6 fonts14 cursors">删除</span></div>
<div v-show="goodsHidden">
<template v-for="(itemn, index) in cartList.cartInvalid" :key="index">
class="item acea-row row-middle row-between mb-30px"
v-for="(item, indexn) in itemn.cartInfoList"
<div class="info acea-row row-center-wrapper">
<el-image class="backImg" :src="item.image" lazy></el-image>
<div class="text">
<div class="name line1 grey fonts16">{{ item.proName }}</div>
<div class="infor" v-if="item.suk">{{ item.sku }}</div>
<div class="fonts14 fontColor333">该商品暂不支持购买</div>
<div class="h-90px" v-if="!useStore.footerIsIntersecting"></div>
:style="{position:!useStore.footerIsIntersecting ?'fixed':'static'}"
class="footer acea-row row-between-wrapper bottom-0 z-10"
v-if="cartList.cartValid.length || cartList.cartInvalid.length"
<div class="num acea-row">
<div class="allSelect mr-20px" @click="allChecked">
<div class="checkbox-wrapper">
<div class="well-check acea-row">
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="" :checked="isAllSelect" @click="allChecked" />
<i class="icon cursors" style="top: 9px"></i>
<div class="checkAll text-14px text-#333 cursors">全选</div>
<div class="text-14px text-#333 mr-20px cursors" @click="handleDeleteAllGoods">删除选中</div>
<div class="text-14px text-#333 cursors" @click="handleAllCartToCollect">移入收藏夹</div>
<div class="acea-row row-middle">
<div class="total text-14px text-#282828">
合计<span class="font-color text-14px oppoSans-M"></span><span class="font-color text-22px font-600 dinProRegular ">{{ countmoney }}</span>
<div class="bnt bg-color cursors" @click="handleSubOrder" v-loading="btnloading">去结算 ( {{ cartCount }} )</div>
<div class="noCart" :style="{ height: ScrollHeight-100 + 'px' }" v-if="!cartList.cartValid.length && !cartList.cartInvalid.length">
<empty-page title="购物车还是空的呦~">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/gouwukong.png">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Add, Mul } from '~/utils/util'
import {cartDeleteApi, cartListApi, cartNumApi, cartToCollectApi} from '~/server/orderApi'
import useOrder from "~/composables/useOrder";
import {ref} from "vue";
import {useAppStore} from "~/stores/app";
const useStore = useAppStore()
const {handlerNuxtLink, handleIntoPage, onGetCartCount} = useOrder()
await onGetCartCount()
const isAllSelect = ref(false)
const countmoney = ref(0)
const cartNum = ref(0)
const loading = ref(true)
const goodsHidden = ref(true)
const btnloading = ref(false)
const { getWindowHeight } = useScrollHeight()
const ScrollHeight = ref<number>(getWindowHeight() - 176- 73 ) //购物车窗口的高度
* 购物车列表数据
const { data: cartList, refresh } = await useAsyncData(async () => {
const cartValid = await cartListApi(true)
const cartInvalid = await cartListApi(false)
loading.value = false
let checked = []
cartValid.forEach((cart) => {
cart.cartInfoList.forEach((cartItem) => {
if (checked.length) {
cartItem.checked = checked.indexOf( > -1
} else {
cartItem.checked = true
if (cartItem.cartNum === 1) {
cartItem.numSub = true
} else {
cartItem.numSub = false
if (cartItem.cartNum === cartItem.stock) {
cartItem.numAdd = true
} else {
cartItem.numAdd = false
return Promise.resolve({ cartValid, cartInvalid })
* 判断单个店铺是不是全选
const storeAllChceked = async () => {
let selectnum,
selectAllnum = [],
checknum = 0,
cartValid = cartList.value.cartValid
for (let j = 0; j < cartValid.length; j++) {
selectnum = []
for (let k = 0; k < cartValid[j]['cartInfoList'].length; k++) {
if (cartValid[j]['cartInfoList'][k].checked) {
} else {
selectnum.length - 1
selectAllnum.length - 1
cartValid[j]['checked'] = selectnum.length === cartValid[j]['cartInfoList'].length
isAllSelect.value = selectAllnum.length === checknum
* 单个店铺商品全选
* @param item
* @param index
const storeChecked = async (item: any, index: number) => {
item.checked = !item.checked
cartList.value.cartValid[index]['cartInfoList'].forEach((cart: object) => {
cart.checked = item.checked
await storeAllChceked()
await countMoney()
* 单选
* @param index
* @param indexn
const switchSelect = async (index: number, indexn: number) => {
let cart = cartList.value.cartValid[index]['cartInfoList'][indexn]
cart.checked = !cart.checked
let len = 0
let selectnum = []
for (let j = 0; j < cartList.value.cartValid.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < cartList.value.cartValid[j]['cartInfoList'].length; k++) {
if (cartList.value.cartValid[j]['cartInfoList'][k].checked === true) {
isAllSelect.value = selectnum.length === len
await storeAllChceked()
await countMoney()
* 全选
const allChecked = async () => {
let selectAllStatus = isAllSelect.value
selectAllStatus = !selectAllStatus
cartList.value.cartValid.forEach((cart) => {
cart.checked = selectAllStatus
cart.cartInfoList.forEach((cartItem) => {
cartItem.checked = selectAllStatus
isAllSelect.value = selectAllStatus
await countMoney()
const countNum = () => {
let num = 0
let checkedList = []
cartList.value.cartValid.forEach((item) => {
item.cartInfoList.forEach((cart) => {
if (cart.checked) {
cartNum.value = num
* 计算总价
const cartCount = ref<number>(0)
const countMoney = async () => {
let carmoney = 0,
totalNum = 0
let array = cartList.value.cartValid
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < array[i]['cartInfoList'].length; j++) {
if (array[i]['cartInfoList'][j].checked === true) {
carmoney = Add(carmoney, Mul(array[i]['cartInfoList'][j].cartNum, array[i]['cartInfoList'][j]['price']))
totalNum += Number(array[i]['cartInfoList'][j].cartNum)
cartCount.value = totalNum
countmoney.value = carmoney
await countNum()
* 购物车加
* @param goods
* @param index
const handlePlus = async (goods: product, index: number) => {
if ( goods.cartNum > goods.stock) {
goods.cartNum = goods.stock
goods.numAdd = true
goods.numSub = false
}else if (goods.cartNum === goods.stock){
goods.numAdd = true;
goods.numSub = false;
} else {
goods.numAdd = false
goods.numSub = false
await countMoney()
await syncCartNum(goods)
const syncCartNum = async (goods) => {
await cartNumApi({ id:, number: goods.cartNum })
.then(async (result: any) => {
.catch(async (err: any) => {
const handleReduce =async (goods:any) => {
if (goods.cartNum <= 1) {
goods.cartNum = 1;
goods.numSub = true;
} else {
goods.cartNum = Number(goods.cartNum) - 1
goods.numSub = false;
goods.numAdd = false;
if (goods.cartNum <= 1) {
goods.numSub = true;
await countMoney()
await syncCartNum(goods)
const inputNum= async (item:any) =>{
if(item.cartNum<0 || !item.cartNum) item.cartNum =1
item.cartNum = parseInt(item.cartNum) >= item.stock ? item.stock : item.cartNum;
item.cartNum = parseInt(item.cartNum) <= 1 || isNaN(parseInt(item.cartNum)) ? 1 : item.cartNum;
await countMoney()
await syncCartNum(item)
* 购物车结算
const handleSubOrder = async () => {
let list = cartList.value.cartValid,
id = []
list.forEach(function (val) {
val.cartInfoList.forEach(function (val) {
if (val.checked === true) {
if (id.length === 0) {
return feedback.msgError('请选择商品')
//btnloading.value = true
await onPreOrder(id)
* 预下单
* @param id
const useOrders = useOrder()
const onPreOrder = async (id: Array<T>) => {
let shoppingCartId = => {
return {
shoppingCartId: Number(item),
await useOrders.getPreOrder('shoppingCart', shoppingCartId)
// 删除购物车商品
const handleDeleteGoods= async (id:number)=>{
await onDeleteGoods([id])
const unsetCart = async ()=>{
let list = cartList.value.cartInvalid,id = []
list.forEach(function (val:any) {
val.cartInfoList.forEach(function (v:any) {
await onDeleteGoods(id)
const getCheckedGoods = async ()=>{
let list = cartList.value.cartValid,id = []
list.forEach(function (val:any) {
val.cartInfoList.forEach(function (v:any) {
if (v.checked === true) {
const handleDeleteAllGoods= async ()=>{
let list = cartList.value.cartValid,id = []
list.forEach(function (val:any) {
val.cartInfoList.forEach(function (v:any) {
if (v.checked === true) {
await onDeleteGoods(id)
// 删除商品调接口
const onDeleteGoods = async (ids: number[]) =>{
await cartDeleteApi({ids})
await refresh()
await onGetCartCount()
await countMoney()
await storeAllChceked()
const handleCartToCollect = async(id:number) => {
await onCartToCollect([id])
const handleAllCartToCollect = async ()=>{
let list = cartList.value.cartValid,id = []
list.forEach(function (val:any) {
val.cartInfoList.forEach(function (v:any) {
if (v.checked === true) {
await onCartToCollect(id)
// 移入收藏库调接口
const onCartToCollect = async (ids: number[]) =>{
await cartToCollectApi({ids})
await refresh()
await onGetCartCount()
await countMoney()
await storeAllChceked()
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margin: 111px auto 0 auto;
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background: #fff;
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height: 54px;
background: #eeeeee;
.checkAll {
font-size: 14px;
color: #333333;
.allSelect {
position: relative;
.price {
width: 180px;
.num {
width: 150px;
.money {
width: 230px;
.storeCartList {
background: #fff;
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&:nth-last-child(1) {
margin-bottom: 0 !important;
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img {
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height: 100%;
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border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;
font-size: 14px;
color: #333333;
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color: #fff;
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background-color: #e93323;
width: 32px;
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position: relative;
display: inline-block;
.checkAll {
margin-left: 10px;
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font-size: 16px;
color: #fff;
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