You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

565 lines
19 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { addressDetailApi, addressListApi, computedPriceApi, orderCreateApi, orderLoadPreApi } from '~/server/orderApi'
import { AddressInfo, OrderInfoVo } from '~/types/order'
import { defaultAddressInfo, defaultOrderInfo } from '~/pages/order/defaultOrder'
import { getCouponTime, linkNavigateTo } from '~/utils/util'
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue'
import { addressDefault } from '~/pages/users/defaultUser'
import { couponTypeFilter } from '~/utils/filter'
const route = useRoute()
const orderNo = ref<string>(<string>route.query.orderNo)
const loading = ref<boolean>(false)
* 预下单详情
const orderInfoVo = reactive<OrderInfoVo>(defaultOrderInfo())
const platCouponFee = ref<string>('') //平台优惠券金额
const platUserCouponId = ref<number>(0) //平台优惠券id
const merCouponFee = ref<string>('') //商户优惠券id
const orderMerchantRequestList = ref<Array<T>>([]) //提交订单数据
const orderProNum = ref<number>(0)
const addressId = ref<number>(0) //地址id
const merchantOrderVoList = ref<Array<T>>([])
const orderType = ref<number>(0) // 0普通订单,1视频号订单,2秒杀订单
const getloadPreOrder = async () => {
loading.value = true
await orderLoadPreApi(orderNo.value)
.then((res: any) => {
Object.assign(orderInfoVo, res)
if (res.addressId) addressId.value = res.addressId
merchantOrderVoList.value = res.merchantInfoList //商户端数据
platCouponFee.value = res.platCouponFee //平台优惠券总金额
platUserCouponId.value = res.platUserCouponId //平台优惠券id
merCouponFee.value = res.merCouponFee //店铺优惠券总金额
orderType.value = res.type //订单类型 => {
shippingType: item.shippingType,
merId: item.merId,
remark: item.remark,
userCouponId: item.userCouponId,
orderProNum.value = res.orderProNum
loading.value = false
.catch((res:any) => {
linkNavigateTo(`/users/order_list`, { type: 1 })
loading.value = false
* 获取默认收货地址或者获取某条地址信息
const addressInfo = reactive<AddressInfo>(defaultAddressInfo())
const getaddressInfo = async () => {
let data = await addressDetailApi(addressId.value)
Object.assign(addressInfo, data)
* 地址列表
const showAddress = ref<boolean>(true) //是否展示更多地址
const { data: addressList, refresh } = await useAsyncData(async () => addressListApi())
* 选择使用优惠券优惠券弹窗
* @param {Object} item优惠券对象
* @param {Number} merId商户id
* @param {Number} index索引
* @param {Object} itm 商户对象
const loadingCoupon = ref<boolean>(true)
const dialogVisible = ref<boolean>(false)
const coupon = reactive({
list: [],
const merId = ref<number>(0)
const activeIndexCoupon = ref<number>(0)
const couponObj = reactive({}) //选中这条优惠券的对象
const couponTap = (item: any, merIds: number, index: number, itm: any) => {
loadingCoupon.value = true
coupon.list = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))
merId.value = merIds
if (merIds !== 0) {
activeIndexCoupon.value = index
orderMerchantRequestList.value[activeIndexCoupon.value].userCouponId = itm.userCouponId
if (coupon.list.length === 0) return
dialogVisible.value = true
loadingCoupon.value = false
const getCouponUser = (index: number, item: any) => {
if (!item.isChecked && !item.isChoose) return => {
if (!item.isChecked) i.isChecked = false
item.isChecked = !item.isChecked
Object.assign(couponObj, item)
const handleConfirm = async () => {
let item = couponObj
if (Object.keys(item).length > 0) {
if (item.merId === 0) {
platUserCouponId.value = item.isChecked ? : 0
} else {
orderMerchantRequestList.value[activeIndexCoupon.value].userCouponId = item.isChecked ? : 0
coupon.list = []
dialogVisible.value = false
await computedPrice()
const handleMessage = (remark: string, index: number) => {
orderMerchantRequestList.value[index].remark = remark
* 计算订单价格
const isUseIntegral = ref<boolean>(false) //是否使用积分
const merUserCouponId = ref<number>(0) //店铺使用优惠券的id
const computedPrice = () => {
loading.value = true
let fromData = {
addressId: addressId.value,
isUseIntegral: isUseIntegral.value,
orderMerchantRequestList: orderMerchantRequestList.value,
preOrderNo: orderNo.value,
platUserCouponId: platUserCouponId.value,
.then((res: any) => {
let data = res
//usedIntegral 使用的积分,surplusIntegral 剩余积分
if (data.merOrderResponseList && data.merOrderResponseList.length) {, i) => {
merchantOrderVoList.value[i].freightFee = item.freightFee
merchantOrderVoList.value[i].couponFee = item.couponFee
} else {
merchantOrderVoList.value[0].freightFee = data.freightFee
merchantOrderVoList.value[0].couponFee = data.couponFee
Object.assign(orderInfoVo, data)
merCouponFee.value = data.merCouponFee //店铺优惠券总金额
orderInfoVo.userIntegral = data.surplusIntegral //使用的积分`
orderInfoVo.surplusIntegral = data.usedIntegral //剩余积分
platCouponFee.value = data.platCouponFee //平台优惠金额
merchantOrderVoList.value[activeIndexCoupon.value].merCouponUserList =
data.merOrderResponseList[activeIndexCoupon.value].merCouponUserList //商户数据
merUserCouponId.value = data.merOrderResponseList[activeIndexCoupon.value].userCouponId //店铺使用优惠券的id
loading.value = false
.catch((err) => {
loading.value = false
* 创建订单 立即下单
const handleCreatOrder = async () => {
if (!addressId.value) return feedback.msgWarning('请选择下单地址')
loading.value = true
let fromData = {
addressId: addressId.value,
isUseIntegral: isUseIntegral.value,
orderMerchantRequestList: orderMerchantRequestList.value,
preOrderNo: orderNo.value,
platUserCouponId: platUserCouponId.value,
await orderCreateApi(fromData)
.then((res) => {
linkNavigateTo(`/order/order_payment`, { orderNo: res.orderNo })
loading.value = false
.catch((err) => {
loading.value = false
const handleCancel = () => {
dialogVisible.value = false
* 使用积分
const handleIntegral = async () => {
await computedPrice()
* 添加收货地址
const selAddressData = ref<any[]>([]) //选中的地址数组
const { bool: dialogVisibleAddress, DialogOpen, DialogClose } = useDialog()
const userAddAddressRef = shallowRef()
const handleAddAddress = async () => {
Object.assign(addressInfo, addressDefault())
selAddressData.value = []
const handleSubmitClose = () => {
const handleSubmitAddress = (addressIds: number) => {
addressId.value = addressIds
* 选择地址
const currentAddress = ref<number | null>(null)
const handleChangeAddress = async (index: number, item) => {
currentAddress.value = index
Object.assign(addressInfo, item)
addressId.value =
await computedPrice()
// 跳入页面
const handleGoPage = (id: number) => {
linkNavigateTo(`/merchant/merchant_home`, { merId: id })
<div class="wrapper_1200" v-loading="loading">
<page-header title="提交订单"></page-header>
<div class="w-100% borRadius bg-#FFF pt-30px pb-20px px-30px mbtom20">
<div class="fontColor333 text-16px mb20px">收货地址</div>
<div class="acea-row justify-between address-list" :class="showAddress ? 'on' : ''">
v-if="addressList.length < 10"
class="cursors w-560px h-90px lh-90px fontColor333 text-14px b-rd-8px address-item text-center"
<span class="fontColor6 text-14px">+</span> 添加收货地址
@click="handleChangeAddress(index, item)"
v-for="(item, index) in addressList"
:class="addressId === ? ' address-check' : 'address-item'"
class="w-560px mb-20px b-rd-8px py-20px px-20px cursors"
<div class="fontColor333 text-14px mb10px font-500 oppoSans-M">
{{ item.realName }} {{ }}
class="text-12px bg-color text-#fff b-rd-2px px-4px py-1px mr-6px oppoSans-R font-400"
<div class="fontColor6 text-14px line1 oppoSans-R font-400">
{{ item.province }}{{ }}{{ item.district }}{{ item.street }}{{ item.detail }}
class="cursors fontColor6 text-14px text-center p-t-10px"
@click="showAddress = !showAddress"
收起 <span class="iconfont icon-gao"></span>
class="fontColor6 text-14px text-center cursors p-t-10px"
@click="showAddress = !showAddress"
查看全部地址 <span class="iconfont icon-di"></span>
<!-- 商品信息-->
v-for="(item, index) in merchantOrderVoList"
class="w-100% borRadius bg-#FFF pt-30px pb-20px px-30px mbtom20"
<div @click="handleGoPage(item.merId)" class="acea-row mb-30px cursors items-center">
<div v-if="item.isSelf">
class="lh-12px bg-color inline-block text-12px text-#fff b-rd-2px py-2px mr-6px px-4px relative"
style="top: -1px"
<div class="fontColor333 text-14px">{{ item.merName }}</div>
<div v-for="(itm, indexs) in item.orderInfoList" :key="indexs">
<confirm-product :list="itm" :productType="orderInfoVo.type"></confirm-product>
<el-divider border-style="dashed" />
<div v-if="orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mbtom30">
<div class="text-16px fontColor6">店铺优惠</div>
<div @click="couponTap(item.merCouponUserList, item.merId, index, item)" class="fonts16 fontColor333 cursors">
item.merCouponUserList.length === 0
? '暂无优惠券'
: item.couponFee == 0
? `${item.merCouponUserList.length}张优惠券可选`
: `-¥${item.couponFee}`
v-show="Number(item.merCouponUserList.length > 0)"
class="iconfont icon-xiala"
style="font-size: 12px"
<div class="acea-row justify-between mbtom30">
<div class="text-16px fontColor6">快递费用</div>
<div class="fonts16 fontColor333">{{ item.freightFee == 0 ? '免运费' : '¥' + item.freightFee }}</div>
<div class="acea-row justify-between">
<div class="text-16px fontColor6 mr30px">买家留言</div>
class="textarea w-1041px"
@blur="handleMessage(item.remark, index)"
<!-- <div class="flex justify-end text-14px fontColor333" style="align-items: baseline">-->
<!-- 店铺合计含运费<span class="text-14px font-color fw-600"></span-->
<!-- ><span class="text-22px font-color fw-600">{{ item.proTotalFee }}</span>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<div class="w-100% borRadius bg-#FFF pt-30px pb-20px px-30px">
<div v-if="orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mbtom30">
<div class="text-16px fontColor6">平台优惠</div>
<div @click="couponTap(orderInfoVo.platCouponUserList, 0, 0, null)" class="fonts16 fontColor333 cursors">
orderInfoVo.platCouponUserList.length === 0
? '暂无优惠券'
: platCouponFee == 0
? `${orderInfoVo.platCouponUserList.length}张优惠券可选`
: `-¥${platCouponFee}`
v-show="Number(orderInfoVo.platCouponUserList.length > 0)"
class="iconfont icon-xiala"
style="font-size: 12px"
<div v-if="orderInfoVo.integralDeductionSwitch && orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mbtom30">
<div class="text-16px fontColor6">积分抵扣</div>
<div class="fonts16 fontColor333 isUseIntegral">
<el-radio-group v-model="isUseIntegral" @change="handleIntegral">
<el-radio :label="false" class="fonts16" size="large">不使用</el-radio>
<el-radio :label="true" size="large">
{{ isUseIntegral ? '使用积分' : '当前积分' }}
<span class="num font_color">{{
isUseIntegral ? orderInfoVo.surplusIntegral : orderInfoVo.userIntegral
<span v-if="orderInfoVo.deductionPrice != 0"> 可抵{{ orderInfoVo.deductionPrice }}</span>
<div class="w-1140px borRadius bg-#F7F7F7 px-20px py-20px">
<div class="acea-row justify-between mb15px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6">运费</div>
<div class="text-14px fontColor333">
{{ orderInfoVo.freightFee == '0' ? '免运费' : '¥' + orderInfoVo.freightFee }}
<div v-if="orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mb15px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6">商家优惠</div>
<div class="text-14px fontColor333">
-<span class="">{{ orderInfoVo.merCouponFee }}</span>
<div v-if="orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mb15px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6">平台优惠</div>
<div class="text-14px fontColor333">
-<span class="">{{ orderInfoVo.platCouponFee }}</span>
<div v-if="orderInfoVo.integralDeductionSwitch && orderType === 0" class="acea-row justify-between mb15px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6">积分抵扣</div>
<div class="text-14px fontColor333">
-<span class="">{{ orderInfoVo.deductionPrice || 0 }}</span>
<div class="acea-row justify-between">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6">实付款</div>
<div class="text-14px font-color fw-600">
<span class="oppoSans-M"></span
><span class="text-22px"
><span class="dinProRegular">{{ orderInfoVo.payFee }}</span></span
<div class="flex justify-end mt-30px">
<div class="w-120px handleBtn h-44px lh-44px cursors" @click="handleCreatOrder" style="font-size: 16px">
<div class="acea-row justify-between" v-loading="loadingCoupon">
@click="getCouponUser(index, item)"
v-for="item in coupon.list"
class="coupon-list flex-y-center check nocheck w-350px h-110px"
<div class="pos-relative w-100px h-110px coupon-item items-center">
<div class="text-12px font-color pos-absolute top-2px left-10px">{{ couponTypeFilter(item.category) }}</div>
<div class="font-color text-14px">
<span class="oppoSans-M"></span><span class="text-30px dinProRegular">{{ }}</span>
<div class="font-color text-12px">{{ item.minPrice }}元可用</div>
<div class="ml-15px h-110px pos-relative coupon-item w-250px">
<div class="pos-absolute top-10px right-10px">
v-if="!item.isChecked && item.isChoose"
class="iconfont icon-weixuanzhong cursors"
style="font-size: 18px"
v-if="item.isChecked && item.isChoose"
class="cursors iconfont icon-xuanzhong font-color"
style="font-size: 18px"
v-if="!item.isChoose && !item.isChecked"
class="noCheck w-15px h-15px b-rd-50% borderSol bg-#F5F5F5"
<div class="text-14px fontColor333 fw-500 mb-15px line2 h-36px lh-19px w-196px">{{ }}</div>
<div class="text-14px text-#999">{{ getCouponTime(item.startTime, item.endTime) }}</div>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleCancel">取消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="handleConfirm"> 确认 </el-button>
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.el-button {
width: 120px !important;
height: 44px !important;
border-radius: 25px 25px 25px 25px;
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background-color: #f5f5f5 !important;
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max-height: 70vh !important;
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 0 30px 0 30px;
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font-size: 16px !important;
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border-radius: 16px 16px 16px 16px;
.coupon {
&-list {
background-image: url('@/assets/images/coupon.png');
margin-bottom: 20px;
&-item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
.address {
&-list {
&.on {
height: 106px;
overflow: hidden;
&-check {
border: 1px solid #e93323;
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border: 1px solid #cccccc;
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