You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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15 KiB

1 year ago
<div class="relative w-100%">
<div class="header bg-#F5F5F5" :class="isShowTop && useApp.isHomePage ? 'headerfixed' : ''">
<div class="headerCon acea-row row-between-wrapper">
<div class="flex-y-center text-12px">
<div class="mr-30px flex-y-center">
<nuxt-link :to="{ path: '/' }" class="flex-y-center"
><span class="iconfont icon-shangchengshouye inline-block"></span>商城首页</nuxt-link
v-if="pcHomeCon && pcHomeCon.goPhoneQrCodeType"
popper-style="box-shadow: rgb(14 18 22 / 35%) 0px 10px 38px -10px, rgb(14 18 22 / 20%) 0px 10px 20px -15px; padding: 20px;"
<template #reference>
<div class="flex-y-center mobileMall">
<span class="iconfont icon-shoujishangcheng inline-block"></span>手机商城
<template #default>
<div class="acea-row">
<div v-if="pcHomeCon.goPhoneQrCodeType.includes('1')">
<div :class="pcHomeCon.goPhoneQrCodeType.includes('2')?'mr-26px':''">
<div class="borderSol-eee w-80px h-80px flex-center b-rd-4px mb-10px">
<el-image :src="wechatQrcode" class="w-72px h-72px"></el-image>
<div class="font-400 text-12px text-#333 w-80px text-center">小程序商城</div>
<div v-if="pcHomeCon.goPhoneQrCodeType.includes('2')">
<div class="borderSol-eee w-80px h-80px flex-center b-rd-4px mb-10px">
<qrcode-vue :value="indexDomain" :size="72" level="H" />
<div class="font-400 text-12px text-#333 w-80px text-center">H5商城</div>
<div class="user acea-row row-middle">
<div v-if="!userStore.isLogin" class="item" @click="handlerLogin">登录/注册</div>
<div v-else class="acea-row row-middle" @click.stop="handlerNuxtLink('/users/user_info', 11)">
<span class="line1 font-color" style="max-width: 135px">Hi{{ userStore.userInfo.nikeName }}</span>
<p class="ml-10px item" @click.stop="handleHeaderLogout">退出</p>
<div class="item" @click="handlerNuxtLink('/users/order_list', 1)">我的订单</div>
<div class="item" @click="handlerNuxtLink('/users/collect_products', 3)">我的收藏</div>
<el-dropdown class="user">
<span class="el-dropdown-link text-12px item">
<el-icon class="el-icon--right">
<arrow-down />
<template #dropdown>
<el-dropdown-item class="text-12px" @click="handlerNuxtLink('/merchant/merchant_settled', 0)"
<el-dropdown-item class="text-12px" @click="handlerNuxtLink('/merchant/application_record', 0)"
<div class="w-100% bg-white">
<div :class="isShowTop && useApp.isHomePage ? 'menufixed' : ''" class="w-100% bg-white">
<div class="min_wrapper_1200">
<div class="flex flex-justify-between pt-30px">
<nuxt-link :to="{ path: '/' }"
><el-image lazy :src="pcHomeCon?.leftTopLogo" class="w100px h36px"></el-image
<div v-if="useApp.routePath === '/merchant/merchant_home' || useApp.routePath.includes('product/detail')" class="acea-row">
<div class="w-560px ml-5px">
<template #append>
<div @click="handleEnterKey" class="cursors w-80px h-40px bg-color b-rd-20px text-center lh-40px">
<span class="text-#fff text-14px font-400">搜全站</span>
<div @click="handleEnterKeyHome" class="cursors w-80px h-40px bg-#333333 b-rd-20px text-center lh-40px ml-10px">
<span class="text-#fff text-14px font-400">搜本店</span>
<div v-else class="w-560px ml-5px">
<template #prepend>
<el-select v-model="selectVal" placeholder="Select" style="width: 115px">
<el-option label="商品" value="1" />
<el-option label="店铺" value="2" />
<template #append>
<div @click="handleEnterKey" class="cursors w-80px h-40px bg-color b-rd-20px text-center lh-40px">
<span class="iconfont icon-sousuo text-#fff font-400"></span>
@click="handlerNuxtLink('/order/shopping_cart', 0)"
class="h-40px borderSol b-rd-20px font-color text-14px flex-center mb-26px cursors w-140px mr-5px"
<span class="iconfont icon-gouwuche mr-10px"></span>购物车({{ useApp.carNumber }})
<div v-if="useApp.isShowHeaderMenu" class="w-100% bg-white header-menu">
<div class="min_wrapper_1200">
<div @mouseenter="handlerMenuEnter" @mouseleave="handleSubmitLeave">
<div class="menu flex-y-center">
v-for="(item, index) in menuList"
@click="handleGoPage(item, index)"
:class="index === 0 ? 'classification' : ? 'font-color':''"
class="cursor-pointer menu-item fontColor333 text-16px mr-40px font-500 oppoSans-M"
<span v-show="index === 0" class="iconfont icon-shangpinfenlei mr-8px"></span>{{ }}
<!--分类显示 -->
<div v-if="showMenu" class="absolute w-1200px yop-179px z-11" :class="showSeach ? 'on' : ''">
<div class="classify z-8">
<classify-card @handleSubmitLeave="handleSubmitLeave"></classify-card>
<user-login ref="userLoginRef" @on-login-succeeded="onLoginSucceeded"></user-login>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { headerMenuListDefault } from '~/components/defaultComponents'
import { ArrowDown } from '@element-plus/icons-vue'
import {b64toBlob, Debounce, linkNavigateTo} from '~/utils/util'
import { loginLogout } from '~/server/userApi'
import feedback from '~/utils/feedback'
defineOptions({ name: 'layoutHeader' })
import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/user'
import {onMounted, ref, watch} from 'vue'
import { searcKeywordApi } from '~/server/goodsApi'
import { useAppStore } from '~/stores/app'
import QrcodeVue from 'qrcode.vue'
import { indexDomainApi, wechatQrcodeApi } from '~/server/homeApi'
import {auto} from "@popperjs/core";
const userStore = useUserStore()
const useApp = useAppStore()
const route = useRoute()
* 监听页面滚动
onMounted(() => {
window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll)
const isShowTop = ref<boolean>(false)
const handleScroll = () => {
const t = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
if (t > 100) {
isShowTop.value = true
} else {
isShowTop.value = false
const props = defineProps({
pcHomeCon: {
type: Object,
default: null,
const { pcHomeCon } = toRefs(props)
const { data: indexDomain } = useAsyncData(() => indexDomainApi())
const wechatQrcode = ref<string>('')
const getWechatQrcode = async () => {
let data = await wechatQrcodeApi({
scene: 'id=0',
path: 'pages/index/index',
env_version: 'trial',
let blob = b64toBlob(data.code)
wechatQrcode.value = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
const searchVal = ref<string>('') //搜索框输入值
const selectVal = ref<string>('1') //搜索框选择值
searchVal.value = route.query.searchValue ? route.query.searchValue.toString() : searchVal.value.toString()
onMounted(() => {
selectVal.value = '1'
const handleEnterKeyHome = async()=>{
linkNavigateTo(`/merchant/merchant_home`, { merId: useApp.pcMerId, searchValue: searchVal.value, currentVal: 1 })
const handleEnterKey = async () => {
//useApp.routePath === '/merchant/merchant_home' || useApp.routePath.includes('product/detail')
if(useApp.routePath === '/merchant/merchant_home'|| useApp.routePath.includes('product/detail')){
await linkNavigateTo(`/product/product_list`, { searchValue: searchVal.value })
if (selectVal.value === '1') {
await linkNavigateTo(`/product/product_list`, { searchValue: searchVal.value })
} else {
await linkNavigateTo(`/merchant/merchant_list`, { searchValue: searchVal.value })
showSeach.value = !showSeach.value
showMenu.value = false
const menuList = ref<ItemObject[]>(headerMenuListDefault())
const { $aos } = useNuxtApp()
onMounted(() => {
easing: 'ease-out-back',
duration: 1000,
const onLoginSucceeded = () => {
// getCartCount()
* 热门搜索词
const showSeach = ref<boolean>(false)
const { data: searcKeywordList } = await useAsyncData(async () => searcKeywordApi())
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
nuxtApp.provide('onClearSearchVal', () => {
searchVal.value = ''
* 菜单移入
const checkedIndex = ref<number>(10) //分类鼠标悬浮索引
const showMenu = ref<boolean>(false) //是否展示分类菜单
const handlerMenuEnter = (idx: number | undefined) => {
checkedIndex.value = idx ? idx : 10
if (idx === 0 && !useApp.isHomePage) {
showMenu.value = true
} else {
showMenu.value = false
const handleSubmitLeave = () => {
showMenu.value = false
// 跳入页面
const current = ref<string>(route.query.type?<string>route.query.type:'')
() => <string>route.query.type,
(newValue) => {
current.value = newValue
const handleGoPage = async (obj: any, idx: number) => {
current.value =
if (idx === 0) return
await linkNavigateTo(obj.pc_url, { type: })
* 登录
const userLoginRef = shallowRef()
const handlerLogin = async () => {
if (userStore.isLogin) {
// await linkNavigateTo('/forum/create')
} else {
//data.backUrl = '/forum/create'
* 地址跳转
const handlerNuxtLink = async (url: string, type: number) => {
if (userStore.token) {
await linkNavigateTo(url, { type: type })
} else {
const { getCarNumber } = useAppStore()
const handleHeaderLogout = Debounce(async () => {
await feedback.confirm('确定退出吗?')
await loginLogout()
await getCarNumber(0)
await userStore.logout()
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