1563 lines
42 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { PageQuery } from '~/types/global'
import {
} from '~/server/goodsApi'
import { ProductsInfo } from '~/types/goods'
import useOrder from '~/composables/useOrder'
import { shallowRef, watch,ref, reactive} from 'vue'
const { handlerNuxtLink } = useOrder()
const {getMerId} = useAppStore()
const route = useRoute()
const loading = ref(false)
* 商品详情
onMounted(() => {
const unique = ref('')
const stock = ref(1)
const count = ref(1)
const couponList = ref<Array<string>>([])
const attrSelected = ref<Array<string>>([])
const productAttr = ref<Array<string>>([])
const productValue = ref({}) //规格数据
const attrValueSelected = reactive({}) //选中规格的数据
const productInfo = reactive<ProductsInfo>({}) //商品信息
const merchantInfo = reactive({}) //商户信息
const productId = Number(route.params.id) //商品id
const masterProductId = ref(0) // 秒杀商品中普通商品id
const sliderImage = ref<Array<string>>([])
const slideIndex = ref(0)
const type = ref<string>(<string>route.query.type)
const userCollect = ref(false) //是否收藏
const merId = ref(0) //店铺id
const guaranteeList = ref<FromData[]>([]) //协议
const oneQuota = ref(0) // 活动单次限购
const queryParams = reactive<FromData>({
id: Number(route.params.id),
type: type.value,
const router = useRouter()
const { getSeckillInfo, seckillStatus, seckillTime, replyInfo, getReplyList, productReplyConfig, replyList } =
useProductDetail() //秒杀详情
const where = reactive<PageQuery>({ page: 1, limit: 10, type: 0 }) //评论列表
const getProductDetail = async () => {
//loading.value = true
try {
const data = await productDetailApi(queryParams)
if (data) Object.assign(productInfo, data.productInfo)
masterProductId.value = data.masterProductId
await getSeckillInfo(data, route.query)
Object.assign(productValue, data.productValue)
Object.assign(merchantInfo, data.merchantInfo)
await productReplyConfig(masterProductId.value > 0 ? masterProductId.value : queryParams.id)
await getReplyList(where, masterProductId.value > 0 ? masterProductId.value : queryParams.id)
guaranteeList.value = data.guaranteeList ? data.guaranteeList : []
productAttr.value = data.productAttr
userCollect.value = data.userCollect
oneQuota.value = data.oneQuota
couponList.value = data.couponList ? data.couponList : []
merId.value = data.productInfo.merId
await getMerId(merId.value)
let arrayImg = productInfo.sliderImage
sliderImage.value = JSON.parse(arrayImg)
loading.value = false
} catch (e) {
loading.value = false
await router.back()
const replyTypeChange = (type: number) => {
where.type = type
getReplyList(where, masterProductId.value > 0 ? masterProductId.value : queryParams.id)
const callPaginate = (num: number) => {
where.page = num
getReplyList(where, masterProductId.value > 0 ? masterProductId.value : queryParams.id)
const swiperData = reactive({
spaceBetween: 14,
slidesPerView: 5,
boxWidth: 'w-486px',
slideWidth: 'w-86px',
navigationColor: 'color:#999',
navigationBgColor: ''
(newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue) {
let attr = newValue
let checked = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(productValue)) {
if (productValue[key].stock > 0) {
checked = attr.length ? key.split(",") : [];
checked = attr.length ? key.split(",") : [];
for (let i = 0; i < checked.length; i++) {
attrSelected.value[i] = checked[i]
} else {
unique.value = productValue[''].unique
(newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue) {
let name = newValue.join()
let checked = productValue[name]
if (checked) {
Object.assign(attrValueSelected, checked)
stock.value = checked.stock
unique.value = checked.id
// this.unique = value.id;
} else {
Object.assign(attrValueSelected, null)
stock.value = 0
unique.value = ''
} else {
unique.value = productValue[''].id
stock.value = productInfo.value.stock;
unique.value = productValue[""].value.id
{ deep: true },
(newValue, oldValue) => {
if (newValue) {
let sliderImage = productInfo.value ? JSON.parse(productInfo.value.sliderImage) : []
sliderImage[0] = newValue.image
slideIndex.value = 0
{ deep: true },
const getFileType = (fileName: string) => {
// let suffix = ''
// 获取类型结果
let result = ''
try {
const flieArr = fileName.split('.')
suffix = flieArr[flieArr.length - 1]
} catch (err) {
suffix = ''
// fileName无后缀返回 false
if (!suffix) {
return false
suffix = suffix.toLocaleLowerCase()
// 图片格式
const imglist = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif']
// 进行图片匹配
result = imglist.find((item) => item === suffix)
if (result) {
return 'image'
// 匹配 视频
const videolist = ['mp4', 'm2v', 'mkv', 'rmvb', 'wmv', 'avi', 'flv', 'mov', 'm4v']
result = videolist.find((item) => item === suffix)
if (result) {
return 'video'
// 其他 文件类型
return 'other'
const swiperMouseover = (index) => {
slideIndex.value = index
* 详情评论切换
const tabIndex = ref<number>(0)
const handleChangeTab = (type: number) => {
tabIndex.value = type
* 收藏
const handleCollect = Debounce(async () => {
let id = type.value === 'seckill' ? masterProductId.value : route.params.id
if (userCollect.value) {
await collectCancelApi({ ids: id })
userCollect.value = !userCollect.value
await feedback.msgSuccess('取消成功')
} else {
await collectAddApi({
productId: id,
category: 0,
userCollect.value = !userCollect.value
await feedback.msgSuccess('收藏成功')
* 立即购买
import { useUserStore } from '@/stores/user'
const { onGetCartCount } = useOrder()
const userStore = useUserStore()
const btnloading = ref<boolean>(false)
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
const handleBuy = Debounce(async (type: number, event: any) => {
if (!userStore.isLogin) {
} else {
await onGoCat(type)
* 加入购物车立即购买
* @param type1加入购物车0立即购买
const goBuyloading = ref<boolean>(false)
const onGoCat = async (type: number) => {
if (type === 1) {
let data = {
productId: parseFloat(route.params.id),
cartNum: parseFloat(count.value),
isNew: false,
productAttrUnique: parseFloat(unique.value),
goBuyloading.value = true
await cartAddApi(data)
.then((res) => {
goBuyloading.value = false
.catch((res) => {
goBuyloading.value = false
} else {
import { Mul, Debounce } from '~/utils/util'
import SeckillCard from '~/pages/product/seckillCard.vue'
import ReceiveCouponList from '~/pages/product/receiveCouponList.vue'
import MerchantNews from '~/components/merchantNews.vue'
import {useAppStore} from "~/stores/app";
const { getPreOrder } = useOrder()
const onPreOrder = () => {
let types = ''
switch (type.value) {
case 'normal':
types = 'buyNow'
case 'video':
types = 'video'
case 'seckill':
types = 'seckill'
attrValueId: parseFloat(unique.value),
productId: parseFloat(route.params.id),
productNum: parseFloat(count.value),
* 加购数量加减变化
const handleMinus = () => {
const handlePlus = () => {
const inputNum = () => {
count.value = parseInt(count.value) >= stock.value ? stock.value : count.value
count.value = parseInt(count.value) <= 1 ? 1 : count.value
* 优惠券弹窗
const receiveCouponRef = shallowRef() //成功弹窗
// const dialogVisibleCoupon = ref<boolean>(false)
const handleGetCoupon = () => {
const handleSubmitSuccess = () => {
merchantInfo.isCollect = !merchantInfo.isCollect
<div class="goods_count">
<div class="goods-detail pt-30px" v-loading="loading">
<div class="wrapper_1200 acea-row">
<div class="goods-main">
<div class="acea-row row-top" style="position: relative">
<div class="carousel w-530px">
<el-image :src="sliderImage[slideIndex]" class="w-530px h-530px borRadius mb-20px" lazy></el-image>
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<template v-slot:default="slotProps">
class="w-86px h-86px b-rd-6px cursors"
<div class="text-wrapper pt-20px">
<div class="flex flex-justify-between mbtom20">
<div class="title text-#333 text-18px w570px lh-28px font-400">{{ productInfo.name }}</div>
<div class="w-630px priceCard bg-#F3F3F3 b-rd-12px overflow-hidden mb-20px pb-20px">
v-if="type === 'seckill'"
<div class="flex-between-center px-20px pt-20px">
<div class="acea-row" style="align-items: end">
<div class="price font-color text-14px font-600 mr-14px dinProSemiBold">
<span class="text-30px lh-30px inline-block dinProSemiBold">{{
attrValueSelected ? attrValueSelected.price : productInfo.price
<div class="money-wrap text-14px fontColor6 dinProRegular">
<del class="dinProRegular">{{ attrValueSelected ? attrValueSelected.otPrice : productInfo.otPrice }}</del>
<div class="text-12px fontColor6">
{{ Math.floor(productInfo.sales) + Math.floor(productInfo.ficti) || 0 }}
<div v-if="couponList.length" class="flex flex-justify-between px-20px items-center">
<div class="acea-row">
v-for="item in couponList"
class="square text-14px text-#fff lh-25px px-10px mt-20px mr-10px"
{{ item.minPrice === 0 ? '无门槛减' + item.money : '满' + item.minPrice + '减' + item.money }}
<div class="text-12px font-color cursors mt-20px" @click="handleGetCoupon">领券</div>
<div class="attribute mb-6px">
<div v-for="(item, index) in productAttr" :key="index" class="size-wrapper mb-6px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6 m-b-15px">{{ item.attrName }}</div>
<div class="acea-row list">
<label v-for="(itm, idx) in item.attrValues.split(',')" :key="idx" class="item cursors">
<input v-model="attrSelected[index]"
:checked="attrSelected[index] ===itm"
<div class="acea-row cont h-36px b-rd-6px mr14px">
<div class="acea-row row-middle name">{{ itm }}</div>
<div class="number-wrapper mb-20px">
<div class="text-14px fontColor6 m-b-15px">数量</div>
<div class="counter-wrap acea-row">
<div class="counter">
class="iconfont cursors icon-shangpinshuliang-jian h-36px w-36px b-rd-6px"
:disabled="count === 1 || !stock"
<input v-model="count" @input="inputNum" />
style="font-size: 20px"
class="iconfont cursors icon-shangpinshuliang-jia h-36px w-36px b-rd-6px"
:disabled="count === stock || !stock || count === oneQuota"
<span>( 库存{{ stock || 0 }}{{ productInfo.unitName || '' }} )</span>
<div class="acea-row items-center">
<template v-if="type === 'normal'">
<div class="acea-row" v-if="stock">
<div class="button-wrapper mr-20px">
class="btn cursors"
@click="handleBuy(1, $event)"
<div class="button-wrapper">
class="handleBtn cursors h-50px lh-50px w-150px borderSolE9"
@click="handleBuy(0, $event)"
<div class="button-wrapper" v-else>
<button class="btn btn-out" disabled>已售罄</button>
<template v-if="type === 'seckill'">
<div class="button-wrapper" v-if="seckillStatus === 1 && stock">
class="handleBtn cursors h-50px lh-50px w-150px borderSolE9"
@click="handleBuy(0, $event)"
<div class="button-wrapper" v-if="seckillStatus === 1 && !stock">
<button class="btn btn-out" disabled>已售罄</button>
<div class="button-wrapper" v-if="seckillStatus !== 1">
<button class="btn btn-out" disabled>{{ seckillStatus === 0 ? '活动已结束' : '活动未开始' }}</button>
<el-divider direction="vertical" />
class="iconfont cursors mr-6px"
:class="!userCollect ? 'text-#333 icon-baobeishoucang' : 'font-color icon-yishoucang'"
<div :class="!userCollect ? 'text-#333' : 'font-color'" @click="handleCollect" class="text-14px oppoSans-R cursors">{{!userCollect?'收藏':'已收藏'}}</div>
<div class="acea-row mt-40px">
<div v-for="item in guaranteeList" :key="item.id">
popper-class="text-19px c-\#999"
<template #reference>
<div class="text-14px fontColor333 mr-20px cursors">
<span class="iconfont icon-yanzhengma"></span>
{{ item.name }}
<div class="detail-wrapper acea-row">
<div class="w-210px mr-20px">
<div class="borderSol-eee b-rd-12px w-210px px-20px pt-20px mt-20px mb-20px">
<el-divider><div class="text-16px text-#333 w-64px">好物推荐</div></el-divider>
<div v-if="merchantInfo.proList && merchantInfo.proList.length" class="cursors">
<div v-for="item in merchantInfo.proList" class="mb-25px" @click="handlerNuxtLink(item.id, 'normal')">
<el-image :src="item.image" class="w-170px h-170px b-rd-8px"></el-image>
<div class="line1 w-170px text-14px text-#333 mt-15px lh-14px">{{ item.name }}</div>
<div class="flex-between-center mt-15px">
<div class="text-12px font-color">
<span class="oppoSans-M"></span><span class="text-20px lh-20px dinProRegular">{{ item.price }}</span>
<div class="text-12px text-#999">已售{{ item.sales }}{{ item.unitName }}</div>
<div class="w-970px">
<div class="detail-hd acea-row">
<div class="acea-row">
class="item acea-row row-center-wrapper"
:class="tabIndex === 0 ? 'on' : 'text-16px'"
class="item acea-row row-center-wrapper"
:class="tabIndex === 1 ? 'on' : 'text-16px'"
评论({{ replyInfo.sumCount }})
<el-divider border-style="double" />
<div class="w-100%">
<div v-show="tabIndex === 0">
<div v-if="productInfo.content" class="w-100% detail-bd">
<div v-html="productInfo.content"></div>
<div v-else>
<empty-page title="暂无商品详情~" m-top="2%">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/wudizhi.png" />
<div v-show="tabIndex === 1">
<div class="flex-between-center">
<div class="flex comment">
:class="where.type === 0 ? 'check-color' : ''"
class="item px-15px b-rd-17px h-34px lh-32px text-14px mr-10px cursors"
全部({{ replyInfo.sumCount || 0 }})
:class="where.type === 1 ? 'check-color' : ''"
class="item px-15px b-rd-17px h-34px lh-32px text-14px mr-10px cursors"
好评({{ replyInfo.goodCount || 0 }})
:class="where.type === 2 ? 'check-color' : ''"
class="item px-15px b-rd-17px h-34px lh-32px text-14px mr-10px cursors"
中评({{ replyInfo.inCount || 0 }})
:class="where.type === 3 ? 'check-color' : ''"
class="item px-15px b-rd-17px h-34px lh-32px text-14px cursors"
差评({{ replyInfo.poorCount || 0 }})
<div class="flex-y-center text-14px fontColor6">
:colors="['#e93323', '#e93323', '#e93323']"
<div class="rate ml-20px">
<span class="text-14px text-#666">好评率</span><span class="font-color ml-10px">{{ Mul(replyInfo.replyChance, 100) }}%</span>
<div class="comment-bd mt-30px">
<div v-if="replyList && replyList.total > 0">
<div v-for="item in replyList.list" :key="item.id" class="item">
<div class="acea-row row-middle item-hd flex-justify-between">
<div class="acea-row">
<div class="image mr-10px">
<img v-if="item.avatar" :src="item.avatar" />
<!-- <img v-else src="~assets/images/f.png" alt="">-->
<div class="text">
<div class="flex-between-center text-16px text-#333 mb-8px lh-16px">
{{ item.nickname }}
<div class="text-#999999 text-12px">
{{ item.createTime }} <span class="ml-10px">{{ item.sku }}</span>
<div class="star">
:colors="['#e93323', '#e93323', '#e93323']"
<div class="item-bd">
<div class="mt-20px mb-20px">{{ item.comment }}</div>
<div class="image-wrapper" v-if="item.pics && item.pics.length && item.pics[0]">
<div v-for="(itm, idx) in item.pics" :key="idx" class="image" @click="isDialog = true">
style="width: 86px; height: 86px; border-radius: 8px"
<div v-if="item.merchantReplyContent" class="reply mb-30px">
<div class="item"><span>回复</span>{{ item.merchantReplyContent }}</div>
<div v-else>
<empty-page title="暂无评论~" m-top="2%">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/wupinlun.png" />
<div v-if="replyList && replyList.total > 0" class="acea-row row-middle mt-20px pb-20px">
layout="prev, pager, next"
<!-- 优惠券抽屉-->
<receive-coupon-list ref="receiveCouponRef" :productId="productId"></receive-coupon-list>
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