You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
8.5 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { seckillListApi, seckillTimeApi } from '~/server/activityApi'
import { SeckillListQuery } from '~/types/activity'
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import useOrder from '~/composables/useOrder'
import { timeStatusFilter } from '~/utils/filter'
import { ItemObject } from '~/types/global'
import {Navigation} from "swiper";
const useOrders = useOrder()
const { getWindowHeight } = useScrollHeight()
const ScrollHeight = ref<number>(getWindowHeight() - 176 - 280)
const bgColor = reactive<any>({
bgColor: '',
Color: '',
width: '36rpx',
timeTxtwidth: '16rpx',
isDay: true,
fontSize: '14px',
const swiperData = reactive({
spaceBetween: 0,
slidesPerView: 4, //一屏几个
boxWidth: 'w-1200px', //外盒子宽
slideWidth: 'w-276px', //内容宽
boxPadding: 'padding: 0 48px', //外盒子左右padding
modules: [Navigation],
navigationColor: 'color:#999', //左右箭头的颜色
navigationBgColor: '' //左右箭头的背景颜色
const swiperRef = shallowRef()
const desc = ref<string>('')
const datatime = ref<number>(0)
const timeLine = ref<Array<number | string>>([])
const active = ref<number>(0) //第一个进行中的下标
const seckillStatus = ref<number>(0) //秒杀状态
const activeTime = reactive<ItemObject>({}) //选中时间
const getSeckillConfig = async () => {
let data = await seckillTimeApi()
if(!data.length) return
timeLine.value = data
active.value = timeLine.value.length ? data.findIndex((item) => item.status === 1 || item.status === 2) : 0
if (active.value < 0) return
if (data[active.value].status == 1) {
desc.value = '距本场结束'
datatime.value = data[active.value].endTimeStamp / 1000
seckillStatus.value = 1
} else if (data[active.value].status == 2) {
desc.value = '距本场开始'
seckillStatus.value = 2
datatime.value = data[active.value].startTimeStamp / 1000
} else if (data[active.value].status == 0) {
desc.value = '已结束'
seckillStatus.value = 0
Object.assign(activeTime, timeLine.value[active.value])
const handleChangeTime = (index: number, item: any) => {
active.value = index
seckillStatus.value = item.status
datatime.value = item.startTimeStamp / 1000
Object.assign(activeTime, item) = 1
const listLoading = ref<boolean>(false)
const where = reactive<SeckillListQuery>({
page: 1,
limit: 12,
date: '',
startTime: '',
endTime: '',
const tableData = reactive({
list: [],
total: 0,
const getSeckillList = async () => {
listLoading.value = true
try { =
where.startTime = activeTime.startTime
where.endTime = activeTime.endTime
let data = await seckillListApi(where)
tableData.list = data.list =
listLoading.value = false
} catch (err) {
listLoading.value = false
// 分页数据
const pageChange = (e: number) => { = e
<div class="seckill_list pt-60px">
<div class="wrapper_1200">
<div class="fontColor333 text-50px text-center mb-50px font-700 alimama">限时秒杀</div>
<div v-if="timeLine.length" class="h-60px w-1200px bg-#FFFFFF cursors mb-20px b-rd-12px overflow-hidden">
<swiper-index :swiperSlideList="timeLine" :swiperData="swiperData" ref="swiperRef">
<!-- 这里是插槽传递的值 -->
<template v-slot:default="slotProps">
@click="handleChangeTime(slotProps.value.swiperIndex, slotProps.value.swiperItem)"
class="flex-center h-60px lh-60px w-276px"
:class="active == slotProps.value.swiperIndex ? 'bg-color' : ''"
class="text-22px mr-9px font-600"
:class="active == slotProps.value.swiperIndex ? 'text-#fff' : 'text-#282828'"
{{ slotProps.value.swiperItem.startTime }}
<div v-if="slotProps.value.swiperItem.status ===1" class="text-14px font-400 acea-row" :class="active == slotProps.value.swiperIndex ? 'text-#fff' : 'text-#666666'">
<span class="mr-5px">距结束</span>
:tip-text="' '"
:day-text="' '"
:hour-text="' : '"
:minute-text="' : '"
:second-text="' '"
<div v-else class="text-14px font-400" :class="active == slotProps.value.swiperIndex ? 'text-#fff' : 'text-#666666'">
{{ timeStatusFilter(slotProps.value.swiperItem.status) }}
<div v-loading="listLoading">
<div v-if=">0">
<div class="acea-row">
<template v-for="item in tableData.list" :key="">
class="borderSol-eee w-288px h440px borRadius overflow-hidden seckill_item cursors mb-20px"
@click="useOrders.handlerNuxtLink(, 'seckill', seckillStatus, datatime)"
<el-image :src="item.image" class="w-289px h-289px"></el-image>
<div class="px-20px py-20px bg-#FFFFFF">
<div class="acea-row mb-20px">
<div class="fontColor333 text-16px lh-16px line1 w-100%">{{ }}</div>
<div class="mb-16px">
<span class="text-12px font-color oppoSans-M"></span
><span class="text-20px lh-20px font-color dinProSemiBold">{{ item.seckillPrice }}</span
><span class="line-through text-14px text-#999 ml-10px dinProRegular font-400">{{ item.price }}</span>
<div class="w-249px h-36px seckill_btn flex-y-center" :class="seckillStatus===0?'ended':(seckillStatus===1&&item.quota===0)?'ranOut':seckillStatus===1?'qiang':'noStart'">
<div class="w-100px h-8px ml-10px b-rd-18px" :class="seckillStatus===1?'bg-#F0D2CF':'bg-#D6D6D6'">
<div class="h-8px b-rd-18px" :class="seckillStatus===1?'bg-color':'bg-#999'" :style="'width:' + item.payRange"></div>
<div class="text-12px ml-10px" :class="seckillStatus===1?'font-color':'text-#999'">已抢{{ item.payRange }}</div>
<div class="acea-row row-middle pb-10px">
layout="prev, pager, next"
<div v-else class="w-100%" :style="{ height: ScrollHeight + 'px' }">
<empty-page title="暂无秒杀商品哟~">
<template v-slot:emptyImage>
<img src="@/assets/images/wushangpin.png" />
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